For most people life becomes a burden in this age of escalating costs and a family to look after. Well it all depends on perception and thinking. Life has never been a bed of roses for anyone. It just depends on the individual how they handle the pressures and test of times in life. Here are a few ways how people can adapt to the changing scenarios in life:
Doing what makes you happy:

Haven’t we ever felt that whatever we are doing now is not what we want to do in life? It’s important that we do things that make us happy and self-contented rather than doing them under someone else’s pressure. Discovering ones inner passion is more vital rather than being miserable doing something that we don’t like.
Everybody communicates but very few connect:

We all communicate to different people daily but how many of us really do make a connection with them? If we want to succeed in life we must not only learn to communicate to people but also make a connection with them.
Overcome bad days:

All of us have experienced bad days at some point of time in our lives. We need to remain calm and think of a solution to move out from such situations. We need to identify the problems and move forward.

We all love to speak but very few of us are ready to listen. Sometimes we miss great opportunities because we don’t have the habit of listening. The world is giving us an answer each day. We need to listen.

Many people say that they don’t have the time to read but we surely have time for other things. Waking up a little early and reading is a good habit to inculcate. The more we read the more information we gather. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!!!
The power of smile can also be a great motivator in connecting with others and bringing a positive change in life.
Everyone needs to take things as they come and then mold themselves according to the situations confronted by them. If the above given factors are taken care of then things can be better for everyone. One needs to be like the tree that bears fruits rather than being rigid and unwilling to change.