Top 50 Common Interview Questions: Here’s How To Answer Them.

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How to answer: (This the first question that is shot to you in an interview) Yes, your answer should start with your name. Give a slight background of your education, your work history, your personality, your family and mention things that you like to do and are passionate about.

How to answer: Put in words like ‘dedicated’, ‘passionate’, ‘punctual’, ‘productive’ in your answer. Assure your interviewer that you get things done in time and try new approaches to getting things done.

How to answer: First let them know how you came to know about the company. Convey that you have heard about the company in the industry and have been following them. Put in praises but make sure not to sound too flattering.

How to answer: It would be best to focus on your strengths and skills. Express how passionate you are about the job and that you are ready to join the business and acquire new skills.

How to answer: Firstly add praises about the organisation and how you have heard a lot about them. Compliment the atmosphere and ambience telling them you find the place ideal and would add your feedback as you start working.

How to answer: Name your strengths and weaknesses honestly. If you haven’t really thought about your strengths and weaknesses, you can again give in words like ‘dedicated’, ‘confidence’, ‘time management’ in your strengths and for weaknesses you can go into a little clever lane and say that ‘overworking’ is your weakness.

How to answer: If you have worked before, give a background on that work experience. If you haven’t then mention your passion and interest in the field. You can share your internship experience, if you have any.

How to answer: Answer to this question should always be positive. Say that you are flexible enough to work on shifts. Also add that you are aware that if the job needs you to be available during the weekends and holidays, you are ready.

How to answer: You can answer this question by saying that you have heard the company’s name in the industry. If someone recommended the organisation to you, you can stress the fact. You can also say that you identify with the company’s vision and values.

How to answer: Rather than throwing out numbers straight to the interviewers face, say that you are more focused on learning new skills and things related to your job. Also, don’t hesitate to tell the amount you were being paid in the previous organisation, if asked.

How to answer: Never try to blame the previous organisation i.e. picking out fault in them or their system, give reasons like you are seeking for more professional growth and looking out for new challenges and career prospects.

How to answer: One of the best reasons you can give to this is work experience. Answer by saying you want to know more about the work culture and gain experience. Stress more on you trying to improve your core professional skills, so that you don’t come across as someone who is trying to get the job for only a short period of time.

How to answer: With this question as well, letting your strengths out will be best. Say that your coworkers would describe you as hard working, determined and punctual or maybe confident and sincere.

How to answer: You can say that you look forward to having Liberty for creativity, getting to work on teams and making sure you are trusted.

How to answer: To answer this you can say that you maintain a schedule, make a to-do list for each day and make sure you always complete a day’s task so that the next day you start fresh.

How to answer: Your answer can go like, hunger for career growth, passion towards what you do, creative approach and ambition to do better. Showing passion and confidence while answering this question is key.

How to answer: Mention that you try not to lose your calm, be polite but firm while dealing with these kinds of people. Not taking things personally and always trying to bring peace.

How to answer: You can say that you first prepare a to-do list with the day’s task to complete, and try and follow that. Complete the top priority tasks first followed by others.

How to answer: This answer should always be positive. Convey that you like working in a team to produce good results rather than working alone. Say that when you work in a team you learn a lot from your co-workers.

How to answer: Give a brief explanation about the points you have highlighted in your resume. This includes explaining about your previous work experience, any volunteer work, educational background and discussing other training and workshops if you have taken any.

How to answer: (Sometimes instead of the above question, you are asked this) In this explain where you went to school and college. Give a brief explanation about how life was like at those institutions and all things that you learned there expect the textbook knowledge.

How to answer: It is very important that you stress your goals while answering this question. You can say that you see yourself at a certain position with developed skills and a more acquired knowledge of the industry.

How to answer: Your answer should start with a definite yes, indicating that you are open to travel if required.

How to answer: Same as the above question, your answer should be positive to indicate that you are ready to relocate if your job demands.

How to answer: Quoting some sayings to support your answer works best for this question. Example “Either the day runs you or you run the day.”, “I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” etc

How to answer: Say that you have learned how to prioritize tasks and how to manage your time. You can also add that you have learnt to say no, which is required sometimes to increase focus and produce good results.

How to answer: You can describe the management style of your mentor or someone you idolise from the industry. You can even describe the management style of your previous supervisor or manager for that matter.

How to answer: Give them a positive sign that yes you are ready to work overtime and even night shift and weekends if it is the demand of the job.

How to answer: Say that this won’t be the end and you will keep challenging yourself. Say that you may take on courses to learn new skills.

How to answer: If you took on any training, learnt new skills or even did volunteer work it would be best to mention that. But if you did not do any of that you can simply say you practise your skills at home while looking at trends and work your hands on new technologies and various softwares.

How to answer: Make sure that you don’t say any exact number of years. It would be better to answer this by saying that you are hopeful and confident that working at the organization would be full of learning opportunities and a fun experience.

How to answer: Tell your interviewer that you try to increase your focus while keeping your calm. Say that pressure gives you a kind of adrenaline rush which makes working more fun.

How to answer: If you have the right experience, highlight that along with mentioning the skills that you bring to the table.

How to answer: It is best to express your flexibility here. Say that you can be a leader when it comes to leading and be an equally good follower at the same time.

How to answer: If there is anyone you know, your answer would be yes followed by an explanation of your relationship with them. If you don’t know anyone, your answer would be a simple no.

How to answer: Phrasing your answer by saying that you are a workaholic and that you are strict when it comes to your work and schedule would be best.

How to answer: Mention any of your achievements or suggestions implemented by the previous organization. If there are none just mention the roles you played there.

How to answer: Say that you read a book or listen to music, indulge in recreational activities or sports.

How to answer: (This is a tricky question so don’t let it get to your head) Just say that you would maintain a professional/cordial relationship with your colleagues. Add by saying you will be a leader when needed, a follower at times, a critic, a partner, a problem solver and celebrate victories when needed.

How to answer: (This is another tricky question) The best way to answer this would be saying that money is what you are paid for the work you do while satisfaction is what you create. You can have job satisfaction by setting new goals and achieving them, by constantly challenging yourself.

How to answer: (This is another extremely tricky question) You must have experienced a bad rapport with your previous boss but don’t let that show here. Don’t insult or badmouth him but instead phrase it in a way where you say that your boss’s critical approach made you improve at certain things.

How to answer: The answer to this question should be definite yes.

How to answer: Express your desire for the position, mention all the skills and experience you possess which will be required for the post.

How to answer: The answer should go like even though you faced those instances you tend not to let that ruin your focus and your work.

How to answer: Give a backstory about any instance where you must have faced the kind of situation. The key to answering this question is putting in words like ‘calm’ and ‘focus’.

How to answer: Say that you are looking for new challenges so that you can achieve professional growth and acquire new skills at the same time.

How to answer: Your answer should be positive but not a blind yes. Make your interviewer believe that you will do your best of your abilities to make the work done and bring out good results.

How to answer: The answer to this should be that you wish to learn as much as you can. Acquire new skills on the way and hopefully climb that career ladder.

How to answer: Add on any information if you have. If you don’t, just say that you had a nice time talking to the interviewer and thank him for making you comfortable throughout the interview.

How to answer: If you have any questions and doubts ask them. If not, politely thank them for their time and for making you comfortable throughout the interview.

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