How Inspiria is Transforming Education through Technology!

The incorporation of technology into education helps students to experience a more holistic and richer approach to learning. Open source software combined with cloud computing provides more flexibility and power to the students to manage their studies efficiently. At Inspiria, we provide the best of the possible technological environment so that the students can experience […]

Behance Portfolio Reviews 2015 at Inspiria

Like previous year, the Behance Portfolio Review programme on 31st October 2015 hosted by Inspiria Knowledge Campus, Siliguri was a grand success. There were participants from all over North Bengal from different creative backgrounds including: Creative Designers, Visual Designers, UI Designers, Graphic Designers, Photographers & Digital Artists. Portfolio Review Session at Inspiria The key note […]

Behance Portfolio Review 2015 at Inspiria

Inspiria is back with its platform which provides the creative artist of North Bengal an opportunity to showcase their talents. This platform named as the Behance Portfolio Review helps them to interact with different members of this creative community and also get reviews or feedback about their work of art. The event organised by Inspiria […]