How Inspiria is Transforming Education through Technology!

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The incorporation of technology into education helps students to experience a more holistic and richer approach to learning. Open source software combined with cloud computing provides more flexibility and power to the students to manage their studies efficiently.

At Inspiria, we provide the best of the possible technological environment so that the students can experience the best in learning and teaching practices.

  • 1.Bringing concept to life with Open Source Technologies:

High-end computing laboratories with Linux OS provides a platform for the students to explore the power of the open source software paradigm. Linux offers more flexibility for computer application students as it possesses inbuilt tools for development of software and other network applications. Libre Office is another remarkable open source office utility that students at Inspiria can explore for their daily requirements of word processing, presentation design and so on.

  • 2. Digitizing classrooms through Google Education Apps:

Cloud computing applications are the coolest new stuff in vogue. The ability of such applications to increase the availability of user data to manifold has made it find it’s place in the education sector too. At Inspiria, Google Apps, a cloud-based utility service from Google Inc. is used for daily academic purposes. Students have 24 X 7 access to class materials, important lecture notes and can communicate with respective faculty members online whenever required.

  • 3. Centralizing the institute with powerful ERP solutions:

At the same time, we deploy Fedena, a cloud-based ERP system for transparent and fast academic and administrative management. Students can keep track of assignment dates, library dues, fee dues, attendance and all other academic activities. Similar access is provided to the parents too so that they can monitor the progress of their children from the home. Regular evaluation examinations are also conducted online through the Fedena ERP and students have access to the results at the earliest.

  • 4. Harnessing creative minds through Creative Cloud design suite:

Sparking creativity, boosting engagement and building career skills are an integral part of Inspiria program and we only rely on Industry-leading creative apps. One such suite we use is Adobe Create Cloud suite. Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) provides our students, staff and faculty access to the latest industry-leading creative apps for design, the web, video and photography plus gives them seamless ways to share and collaborate through optional online services.

But, introducing & implementing such high-end ERP & cloud-based systems is not easy at all, especially in such region. Coming out of the comfort zone and accepting technology in institutes is perhaps one of the biggest challenges to face with.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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2 Responses

  1. Some How Indian Colleges also started to Teach Open Sources Technologies. Good to Here that Digitizing all the University activities. with this Our student can have more Knowledge about the Latest Technologies

    1. Very True, we have to keep the young generation updated with all the latest tools & technologies and Inspiria has always been very sensitive about this.

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