
What Can I Do With an Interior Design Degree? Get The Answer From Our Expert

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What is interior design?

Interior design in simple terms is giving life to a space. It is an art and science of designing and decorating a certain space according to one’s imagination. As simple as it sounds this requires a lot of skills. Putting both a person’s artistic and intellectual vision on work in a synchronized manner is key here. Interior design doesn’t only refer to placing furniture and decor items in certain places. Though the basics is that, it is more about making the place aesthetically pleasing using those items, showing off a theme if you are following any, giving character to a space and most important of all making it comfy as per the client’s demands.

Why an interior Design Degree?

In recent times, the Interior Design market has seen a lot of growth. Aesthetics have become an integral part of our living. It would not be wrong to say people live for aesthetics. Whether it’s your house, shop, office, a hospital, school or even any other public sector for that matter, it should be aesthetically pleasing. This bloom in the industry has increased the demand for interior design courses as a result of which many institutions have introduced this course. From diploma courses, graduation degrees, to master of Interior design and PHD in interior design the market has it all.

What Can I Do with an Interior Design Degree?

Well, there’s a lot you can do. Interior Design Career is vast as it is a multifaceted profession. It includes space planning, construction management, programming, research, conceptual development, site inspections, execution of the design, communication with stakeholders apart from just designing spaces. It is also an extended field with Residential Interior Design, Commercial Interior Design and Public Design. Also, interior design has a wide variety of styles such as Modern, Art Deco, Mid-Century modern, Bohemian, Vintage, Farmhouse and the list goes on. This variation in the field itself makes Interior design career prospects broad.

Because it covers a wide range, the career opportunities are also vast. From large firms to small organizations, an individual to a Public organization interior designers are wanted by all. One of the major benefits of doing interior design is that it also gives the freedom to practice the art on your own. You can practice the art of designing spaces for others on your own and be your own boss, a total of 26% are self-employed Interior designers. Thousands of interior design projects are listed every hour on the internet. Since it is a heavily demanded profession, the paychecks are also one of the highest.

Some of the major Employment Sector and Job Profiles for Interior Design Graduates are given below

Job Profiles after Graduation in Interior Design

Employment Sector for Interior Design Graduates

Interior and Spatial Designer

Architectural Firms

Lighting Designers

Furniture Companies

Visual Merchandisers

Construction Firms

Production Designer

Public Sector (Offices, Parks, Schools, Hospitals)

Art director


Exhibition Designer

Private Sector


Film and Entertainment Industry

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