CBSE CLASS 12th Result 2024 Declared: Get all the details here

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The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced the much-awaited results of the 12th board exams on 13th May 2024. Aspirants who have appeared for the exams can now check their scores on the official website of the board. The board took to its official Twitter account to announce the result, and students have eagerly awaited this day.

Check your CBSE Class 12 results 2024 here!

Approx. 16.9 lakh students took the CBSE 12th board exams this year, which were conducted from February 15 to April 5, 2024. Of these students, 7.4 lakh were female candidates, 9.51 lakh were male candidates, and 5 were registered under the ‘others’ category. The exams were conducted for a total of 115 subjects over a period of 36 days, and the results are now available on the official website of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). 

CBSE 12th Result 2024 pass percentage increased by 5.38% since last year

The pass percentage for CBSE Class 12 Result 2024 has been declared as 87.98, which is more than the previous year’s pass percentage of 87.33%.

CBSE 12th Result 2024: Girls Lead in Exam Results

In the latest exam results, girls have done exceptionally well compared to boys. More than 91 percent of girls passed, showing they’ve outdone boys by over 6.40 percent points.

Girls pass percentage: 91.52%

Boys pass percentage: 85.12%

Transgender pass percentage: 50%

CBSE Class 12 result 2024

Name of the BoardCentral Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Exam CategoryCBSE class 12
Session2023 – 24
Article CategoryResult
Status of ResultDeclared

How to check CBSE 12th Result 2024 online?

If you have appeared for CBSE Class 12 Boards 2024, then you can easily check your CBSE 12 Result 2024 on the official website by following the steps provided below.

Step 1 – Open the official website of

Step 2: A new window will pop up with the link 3 bar “Senior School Certificate Examination (Class XII) 2024”.

Step 3: Click on the link and enter mandated details like Roll Number, School Number, and Admit Card ID. Make sure to check the data before submitting it.

Step 4: Once done, click on SUBMIT.

Step 5: CBSE 12 Result will be displayed on the screen.

Step 6: You can click and download, and save the PDF or print your result for future reference.

Admission 2023

CBSE 12th Result 2024: Minimum passing percentage and compartment test

In order to pass the CBSE 10th Board Exams, students are required to achieve a minimum of 33% marks in each subject and an overall average of 33% across all subjects. In case a student fails in one or more subjects, they may appear for a compartment test that is conducted by CBSE every year in the months of July and August.

CBSE 12th Result 2023: Region-wise Pass Percentage

S.NOName of the RegionPass%
4Delhi West93.24%
6Delhi East91.50%


In conclusion, the announcement of the Class 12 exam result is a critical part of student life. No matter what your exam results are, take the time to reflect on your journey so far and think about what you want to achieve next. And remember, success is not defined by grades, it’s defined by your attitude and determination to reach your goals.

Inspiria Knowledge Campus wishes congratulations to all and the very best of luck for the future!

Frequently Asked Question

How is CBSE 12th marks calculated in 2024?

For CBSE class 12 board exams 2024, question papers would comprise 20% MCQs or objective questions. 30% would be competency-based questions. The remaining 50% would be subjective or short/long answer questions.

What if I fail in one subject in the 12th board 2024?

In case you are unable to obtain 33 percent marks in one subject in CBSE 12th, you will be eligible to appear for the compartment exams for the same subject.

Is 60 per cent good in class 12?

Getting into a prestigious college in India usually requires a high board percentage; if entrance exams are the criteria, then a minimum cutoff of 60 or 75 per cent is usually put by universities and institutes.

Does CBSE give grace marks?

Make sure to attempt all questions in the exam: CBSE Provides grace marks to those students who put their effort during the exam and have performed well.

Can 12th marks decide my future?

Your 12th result plays a major role in deciding your career direction. For example, if you want to pursue a course that requires a high percentage to get admission, you have to make sure that you work hard for the board.

How to calculate the CBSE 12th Marks Percentage?

If you want to calculate your percentage using the CGPA then you need to multiply your CGPA by 9.5.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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