
CBSE Pending Exams to be Conducted Soon: Here’s How You Can Score Highest With These 5 Tips

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CBSE 2022 pending exams to be conducted soon – Effective study tips during lockdown to score better: Amid the increasing anxiety incited by the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, the conventional way of living seems to have come to a pause. Another major concern amidst of this drastic pandemic is; it’s a severe impact on education. It’s been more than a month that the educational sector has been shut down, resulting in the immediate postponement of board exams. Amid the sudden call for the nationwide lockdown, it’s not only the time but the learning has suffered an extreme loss. Owing to the postponement, the parents and the students have been under constant stress and skepticism as the board was unable to decide on the fresh dates for the postponed board exams. However, much to the relief of each concerned, the ministry of education has announced the continuity of the pending CBSE board exams shortly. So, here are important some facts regarding the continuity of the pending CBSE 2022 Board Exams.

#1. According to the ministry of education, the postponed Board Exams will not be terminated but will be conducted soon.

#2. The remaining subjects for the CBSE 2022 board exams will be conducted only for the significant and qualifying subjects.

#3. Based on the new strategy, out of 89 main subjects, the board will conduct exams for 29 subjects only. (the number of subjects is calculated based on all the subject streams)

#4. The suspended evaluation task will be continued 4 days after the lockdown ends. The evaluation work will be done on work from home mode. (Earlier, the lockdown was announced to be terminated on the 3rd of May. However, with the rising death rates, the statement is likely to change but new decisions on the same is yet to be confirmed.)

#5. The new CBSE class 12 date sheet 2022 for the pending exams will be announced shortly after the approval of the MHRD ministry; the official citations have verified.

#6. Sources indicated that exams might be held even on Sunday.

#7. To ensure social distancing, only 10 students will be allowed in a classroom. Similarly, instructions will be given to them to ensure their safety.

#8. The new date sheet for postponed exams will be published on the official website of CBSE.

#9. All the official updates on the continuity of pending CBSE exams, new dates, evaluation work, online classes, meetings, and discussions will be published on the board’s website.

#10. All the students, parents are yet again advised to rely only on the official website to learn accurate information.

How to score the highest in CBSE Board Exams with a short time preparation?

In a nation battling with the deadly pandemic, the announcement for the continuity of Board Exams seems like an un welcomed call. Whether we regard it as a hasty or a shocking step, the board authorities have come up with the decision to conduct the pending CBSE board exams 2022. Sources have confirmed for the immediate continuity of exams which is an extremely urgent yet inescapable alarm to the examines.

Amid the grievous impact of COVID-19 and the stress fullockdown, life has become unpredictable everywhere. In such a context, the sudden and unanticipated announcement for the quick exam can be harsh. But, hey! even with the less time left for preparation, you can still attain the highest score in your remaining subjects with these five valuable study tips. So, get prepared to make your learning worthwhile from the comfort of your home. Because if you think you can, you will.

1. Quit Procrastinating.

Procrastination is the biggest destroyer of dreams and achievements. If you want to score well,understand that success comes through hardwork alone.It’s lockdown but not the end of learning. So stop postponing your study schedules for the next day or the next hour. Make sure to utilize this time in the best way possible for the studies. As manual learning has been restrained, make sure to make an extra effort to study on your own.

It’s normal to get bored or lazy. So, take a break while needed but so not discontinue the preparation. Before you sit down to study, ensure to get mentally prepared so that you may be able to devote your entire focus, energy, time, and enthusiasm to your studies.

2. Stay Organized.

Whether you want to study in your bedroom or on the balcony, make sure you have a particular designated study space. Make sure you have organized study plans, practice books, and as well as the revision plans. Learn time management. Don’t waste time on unnecessary topics.

Give equal time and undivided focus on each subject. Make use of the extra time for recreational activities or if you wish you can make use of it for the subject that you find tough or, for the unfinished lessons. Besides, doing a thorough revision or a thorough reading can help you in a great way.

#3. Switch to e-learning.

Amid the lockdown, many e-learning platforms have emerged. A good number of online platforms are offering free online lessons for the various subjects in order to meet the learning gap during the lockdown. You can explore the numerous alternative of these trending online learning platforms in order to learn effectively.

All you need is a compatible device such as a desktop, or a laptop. If not, you can easily get access to resourceful lessons from a smartphone or a tab. Another important factor is a stable internet connection and headphones so that you may be able to learn without any inconvenience or any hindrance.

Also Read: CBSE 12th Board Exam 2022: Tips to score high in Maths

#4. Practice mock exam.

Practicing mock exams is a great way to score better in exams. In our country, it’s mandatory to write board exams manually. The quality of writing and neatness is another major factor in writing board exams. Practicing the skill of writing down answers helps in mastering good handwriting and neatness.

Another best part of writing down answers while studying and solving problems benefits in retaining the information in your brain for a longer duration. You can even solve year-wise questions as a practice or mock exam. Doing this helps in gaining insight into the board exam question pattern, marks distribution and the time requirement to write the entire answers. So practice this method whenever you can.

#5. Study Smart.

Cramming the answer at the last moment is irrelevant and foolish. To study efficiently, make sure to get the concept cleared about a subject matter rather than mugging up the answer. If you are unsure about a mathematical problem, learn the right procedure to solve it. If you are skeptical about any subject topic, make sure to get the concept cleared. You can seek ho from your mentor through a phone call or during an online class.

Divide the subject schedule based on their relevance. Such as if you are studying geography in the morning then you can study environmental studies after breakfast. If it’s chemistry in the afternoon, then opt for maths thereafter. Similarly, you can combine sociology and history, English literature and philosophy, physics and geography, and so on.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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