Nelson Mandela International Day, Siliguri

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Nelson Mandela International Day is an annual International Day in honor of the Late Nelson Mandela. It is celebrated each year on 18 July which is the birthday of the great man. In November 2009, the UN General Assembly declared 18 July “Nelson Mandela International Day” in recognition of the former South African President’s contribution to the culture of peace and freedom.

Mandela Day is a global call for action that celebrates the idea of each individual having the power to transform the world, the ability to make an impact. On Mandela Day people around the world are encouraged to spend at least 67 minutes doing something positive for their communities. It is in honor of the 67 years that the late South African president Nelson Mandela spent fighting for social justice and a free, democratic country.

The unofficial international day of philanthropy was inspired by Mandela’s speech on 27 June 2008, his 90th Birthday. In his address, Madiba called on leaders of all nations to help change the world for the better.

Celebrated each year on the late statesman’s birthday, International Nelson Mandela Day aims to inspire a ripple of good deeds throughout the world. It looks to encourage individuals, communities, governments and non-profit organizations to take one small step towards the larger leap of making a positive impact.

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