Secret to Success in Board Exams

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We are sure that, you all have heard it, used it several times in words, but you have never thought of applying it in your lives. And you know what the irony is, you expect the reaction to take place in your life without putting in the required effort or action and you allowing the inhibitors to rule your mind.

So, if you are expecting good result or reaction, don’t you think students you ought to put in good and sincere efforts or action. Let yourself be known for your actions.

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Students people say expectation hurts, but have you ever thought it will hurt you only when you allow it to hurt you. Are you thinking that how to stop expectation from hurting you? It hurts because you allow the inhibitors to rule your minds. Just – stop making excuses, stop blaming situations, stop saying “I fear”, stop saying “I can’t”, stop saying “I dislike”, stop saying “you are doing it for parents or others”.

Just apply the catalyst in your life- so that it can help you save your energy, i.e. tell your mind to work and do what’s required to fulfill your expectation. It’s like challenging, Newton’s third law – that is – Expecting or aspiring good result but not working towards it.

Everyone says one should study. Studying should be one’s priority. But the irony is nobody tells “Why one should study?”. Another irony is- when you are asked this question, your answer is for a better career, better lifestyle, handsome earning and secured future. None of you would say for your happiness, for attaining knowledge, doing something for the worth of your living.

Where one should study to acquire knowledge so that we can apply it in every sphere of life. So that one can make use of it to create an individual difference by leaving an impression behind of your achievements.

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Good marks will automatically leave an impression on your scorecards if you acquire knowledge for your individual difference and not just to pass and perform in exams. Why you can’t perform well in an exam is you are looking into the short-term objective of studying and not long-term use of it.

If you look around yourself – you will find nothing permanent in your life. Be it jobs, success, feelings, not even parents. The only thing that can help you survive and help you live with fulfillment is your knowledge. So, don’t ignore it, don’t leave it behind, don’t make it a part-time. But it should be your priority. As soon as you grow the love of knowledge good score will follow.

Shortcuts to score will give you temporary achievements but it will not be there for a lifetime. Have you ever wondered? Why do you forget and don’t understand some topics or subjects? That is because you don’t invest or give the time that subject requires. Did you forget “A-Z” or “1-100” or concept of joining letters and reading or addition? The answer will be no. That is because you have no scope of running away from it. You had to repeat it till you understood the concept.

But did the same practice continue? Again, an answer would be a – “No”. With various explanations and excuses to support the cause. So, here I have discussed the cause of your problem of not having a clear concept.

Students you don’t read a sentence, the second time if you don’t understand it. It will be again a “No”. Here lies the problem. Students you need to initiate to put in more effort in doing the works, subject or topic you think is not easily picked up by you. So every subject or topic is a value-add to your life.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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