Inspiria YouthRun 5.0; Overwhelming Response and 2X Energy, Excitement, and Enthusiasm.

Inspiria YouthRun 5.0

Introduction to Inspiria YouthRun 5.0 Inspiria Knowledge Campus successfully organized Inspiria YouthRun 5.0 on the 11th of December 2022. The Inspiria YouthRun has become the talk of the town among youth. The event witnessed an overwhelming response from the 1000 participants hailing from Sikkim, Darjeeling, and the suburbs of Siliguri. Irrespective of age group and […]

Lets impart education to the underprivileged with Inspiria Youth Run

The Inspiria Knowledge Campus now launches the marathon namely Inspiria Youth Run, the event is surely going to bring out the fun-loving spirit in you. Running is one of the favourite sportings among all the age group, the marathon is now in Siliguri, each one of us can now run for a better cause and […]