Do-o-pedia : A Handbook For Success Containing 10 Employability Skills

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10 employability skills

To make yourself eligible to apply for a job and to be successful at the job, you need to exhibit a mix of skills : “Employability Skills”. Employability skills are those skills necessary for getting, keeping and being successful in a job. Employers are often looking for skills that go beyond qualifications and experience. For employers, getting the right people means identifying people with the right skills and qualities to fulfill the role and contribute to the organization’s success.

Check out this booklet which contains all the 10 Employability Skills (with details and explanations)  essential for achieving success in your career!

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One Response

  1. We have free copies of this handbook to enhance your employability skills please feel free to pick your copy from City Center Mall Siliguri and Cosmos Mall Siliguri this weekend

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