Ecommerce Trends That Will Be Big In 2021

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In 2020, eCommerce sales increased by over 30%. With the advent of the new normal and the prolonged ‘stay-at-home’ regulations for several months, a large population was forced to shift and adapt to the digital environment. Along with the social distancing measures, online transactions, contact-less shopping, e-learning became common.

The significant growth in consumer demands during the pandemic boosted the eCommerce sector. Furthermore, the massive drift of new buyers into the online ecosystem during the pandemic accelerated the growth in eCommerce.

From escalated online sales to fresh strategies in niches untapped by the businesses, eCommerce at this juncture is expected to rise in a way that might have seemed impossible in the pre-pandemic world. In this fast-advancing context, tech-driven strategies like eCommerce are likely to outdo the traditional method of sales and business. To help you stay relevant to the subject, this blog charts the top eCommerce trends that will thrive in 2021.

1) AI customer sourcing for various niches

Artificial Intelligence is widely used in eCommerce. Such as making intelligent product suggestions, assist customers to visualize products better, and help them with product inquiries. In 2021, Intelligent Algorithms is expected to analyze popular trends with the products, sales channels, shoppers, and consumer reaction to identify the best channels, cost and, season to list the products. The entire process will save you from a lot of hassle and help accelerate sales faster.

2) Quick and advanced product customization

Product customization isn’t a new thing, but your skill to deliver last-minute personalization to your clients is! Today, 3D printing is revolutionizing production and completion techniques to enable fast customizations at the end of the product campaign. Besides, with 3D printers becoming more budget-friendlier and convenient, customization is assumed to become a norm soon.

3) The increase in voice commerce

A large population is relying on voice assistant devices. Alexa, Echo and, Google Voice Assistant are reliable to perform basic tasks like waking them up, ordering products online. Another reason for the rise in voice commerce is; the improving accuracy and convenience. Also, Google and Amazon are promoting regional languages in their virtual assistant devices to help users explore and buy products more easily.

4) Boost in smart home assistants

Apart from turning on lights, playing your favorite music and, telling you the weather, Alexa and Google home are gradually taking over the eCommerce sector. About 20% of the smart assistant owners use them for shopping activities like buying products, conducting research, tracking deliveries, and creating reminders. The ratio is predicted to jump to 52% within the next 4 years.

5) Rise of new payments options

Payment options are one of the key reasons why consumers pick a specific online shopping forum. Apart from debit and credit cards, most eCommerce accept e-wallets like Google Pay, PayPal, Samsung, or Apple Pay. Cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, hold manifold advantages for online store owners. Such as minimal trading costs and zero reverse transactions.

6) Influence of sustainability practices in businesses

There is a speedy growth in Green consumerism. The term “Green consumerism” refers to a state in which, consumers browse for products produced in an eco-friendly way that sustains the environment or involves recycling. As per the reports, 65% of buyers declare their preference for sustainable products. The focus on sustainability indicates a brighter aspect for e-commerce brands that prioritize environment-friendly practices.

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