Fifth Demo Session – Inspiria Gavel Club

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The fifth demo session was fun and fulfilling. All the Gaveliers present received equal opportunity to participate in the speech and to demonstrate their evaluation skills. It was an encouragement to see that by the fifth demo session their confidence gave them wings. Everyone put in their best of efforts to excel in their roles and responsibilities.

Sergeant at arms – Gavelier Alex opened the session with a warm welcome speech. He ensured that all the stationary items was placed for the members to use. And he responsibly handed the meeting to the Gavelier of the day – Gavelier Astha.

Gavelier Astha delivered a short speech on commitment. Commitment towards one’s duty. And very beautifully facilitated the session.

Session was divided into three parts – Featured speech, Table Topic speech and Evaluation.Gavelier Tenzing presented his speech on “My life” where he mentioned the escapades of his life turning us emotional. Parts of this speech where he spoke about his bond with his grandfather whom he lost recently moved us. His first speech yet he created a mojo around him.

Gavelier Tanushree’s speech was on “ Photography “ . Her speech was splendidly crafted and educated us on the techniques of photography. She was poised and it was a pleasant experience to see her giving her first ever speech. Both the speech was evaluated by Gavelier Arpan. He left us awestruck with his objective style feedback. What was fascinating is he could clearly point out the areas of improvement for both the speakers. And practiced the speech nuances himself.

Gaveliers took turns to give an impromptu speech. Also known as table topic speech. India with its myriad festivities and celebrations always gives many an opportunity to speak on. Therefore, Gavelier Alex delivered his impromptu speech on Republic Day. Gavelier Astha spoke on Makar Sankranti and Gavelier Arpan on Valentine’s Day. All in all it was a fabulous show and everyone was content that every member could participate.

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