
10 Smart Ways To Prepare For An Exam

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Irrespective of streams, board exams carry an influential value in every student’s life. Oftentimes, board exams are perceived as a challenge or, a hurdle by the majority. To a few, its a breakthrough point to one’s life and career. The scores you obtain in board exams pave pathways for your career choices.
Hence, any student should honestly and consistently devote their time and focus on studies, to attain the best results or, outstanding grades in board exams. Even now, if you are looking for exam preparation tips, here’s what you shouldn’t miss. This blog brings you with 10 Smart Ways To Prepare For An Exam for all streams. So, let’s get started.

#1. Start studying early

Early preparation brings a lot of advantages. Early preparation helps you comprehend the syllabus weel and eventually reduces the study load for each subject. It saves you from getting stressed and anxious during the exam time. Early preparation keeps you from last-minute cramming. So, ensure to give yourself sufficient time to study for the board exams.

#2. De-clutter your study space

Before you start studying, make sure that your room is well organized. Create a peaceful, comfortable learning atmosphere devoid of all the distractions. Make sure your desk is organized and has enough space to spread your books and notes. Remove all the diversions to prevent yourself from getting attracted to the unnecessary.

#3. Make flowcharts & diagrams

Visual aids are the best alternative to retain difficult and lengthy answers in a short time. Whether it is the beginning of preparation or closer to exams, write down everything and transform them into flowcharts or, diagrams. Writing down the answers and the visual aids ensure effective learning.

#4. Practice previous year questions

Practicing previous years’ questions is rated as one of the best methods to prepare for board exams. Solving old questions help you get acquainted with the questions pattern. This method is a reliable method for knowing the marks distribution, question pattern, and the entire exam format. Above all, the process helps you estimate the time required for the actual exam.

#5. Teach others what you’ve learnt

Teaching others what you’ve learnt can help you for the long term retention. For instance, if you have learnt a complex scientific analysis, explain it to your friend or, someone who is struggling to understand the same. Explain the answer that you’ve learnt. By doing this, you will not just be reciting the subject, but also be acquiring a clear and precise perception of the same.

#6. Once a week, organize group study with friends

Don’t get into unnecessary discussions or gossips. Stay focused throughout the session. Ask about the topics that you haven’t understood in your class, solve a tough calculus problem or, decipher poetry that you have failed to grasp in the class. Bring forward only the subject related conversations during the session.

#7. Take regular intervals

Whether you are training your brain or your body, taking regular breaks in between is essential for the sound focus and better result. Thus, it’s reasonable to take a regular break for efficient exam preparation and to regain the focus. Besides, keep a route that matches your study style rather than studying for long hours.

#8. Eat healthily for a healthy brain and body

Say NO to junk food during the exam preparation as it might make you sick. As your brain is already under constant pressure for retaining a wide range of subjects, you should eat healthily. Ensure to keep yourself healthy by eating mindfully. Choose fresh, natural, and vitamins rich food that is good for your brain and body.

#9. Prepare for the day of your exams

Anyone can get nervous at the idea of the first day of the board exams. However, proper preparation can help you beat the nervousness and de-stress your mind from the anxiety and pressure. Find out all the rules and requirements for the examination. Decide the route, and set an extra time so that you can reach early at your exam venue.

#10. Stay hydrated

No matter the pressure, drink plenty of water while studying and during the exam. Staying hydrated is essential for your mind and body. Drinking water also contributes to your confidence and overall positive state of mind.

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