Inspiria celebrates “National Science Day” to popularise and encourage gift of Science

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The extraordinary contribution of Science for the betterment of human life is commendable. Inspiria acknowledges the tremendous benefaction Science and technology has made in transforming daily life of the people by celebrating the National Science Day on 28th february 2017 by organising an essay competition for the students on the theme of the year 2017 “Science and Technology for Specially Abled Persons”.

Inspiria celebrates “National Science Day”

Students from various streams actively participated in the event and the winners of the essay competition were acknowledged and rewarded by Inspiria.

Inspiria celebrates “National Science Day”

Honourable Principal Dr. Malay Kanti Karanjai of Inspiria Knowledge Campus gave a speech on the remarkable contribution of Dr. C.V. Raman in the field of Science and the discovery of raman effect for which he was awarded the Nobel prize in Physics in 1930.

Inspiria celebrates “National Science Day”

To showcase all the activities, efforts and achievements in the field of science for human welfare, National Science Day is celebrated in India on 28 February each year to mark the discovery of the Raman effect by Indian physicist Sir Chandrashekhara Venkata Raman on 28 February 1928.

Inspiria celebrates “National Science Day”

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