
Key to Impressive Digital Photographs: An Enthusiast’s Perspective

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Digital photography has many advantages over traditional film photography – practically, technically, creatively and even economically. Nearly 99% percent of all the cameras sold today are digital, but it is a handful minority of photographers who are able to use the massive power of digital cameras combined with advanced computer based image processing to their disposal.

The question is why? Given the fact that digital cameras are now much more affordable and increasingly pervasive with users, why isn’t most photographs dynamic or eye-catching as it is expected to be when it is taken with an advanced digital camera? The answer to this question, which boggles many budding snapshot lovers for sure is simple – To make the most of the advantages that the camera offers, one should perceive photography first as a creative art and should be passionate enough to explore the depths of the field that leads to perfection.

Cheat Sheet for Photographers

A key element of any good photograph is balance – A balance of light, colour, shadows and all other elements that can be creatively used to compose a photograph. The nature around us can be a wonderful teacher of perfect balance. Selecting the frame and composing the image is another prime requisite. Thankfully enough, the golden rules of composition can be learned! Knowledge of colours and light is always a welcome add on to taking impressive photographs.

However, a sense of aesthetics blended with the technicalities mentioned can produce wonderfully creative images. Images have a story of their own. Trust your eyes, search for the perfect moment, and go for the shot. Remember that images are framed first in the mind, later in the lenses. Never be scared of experimenting – experiences teach priceless lessons which paves the way for glory. Passion, creativity and a dash of sound technicality is all that is needed to unleash the power of modern digital cameras to create emotion inspiring impressive digital photographs. Happy clicking!

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