A moment to cherish and savour- Amit Agarwal stands first among equals

Fresh from being selected as one of the TOP 10 YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS, Amit Agarwal, a second year BBA student of Inspiria, was chosen the first among all the top ten young entrepreneurs post a detailed deliberations among all the participants and the final verdict was officially announced in recognition of this astounding achievement by a […]

Prime Minister to Award Inspiria Student Selected as Top Ten Young Indian Entrepreneur

Amit Agarwal, a second Year BBA student of Inspiria Knowledge Campus, has been selected by the Government of India’s Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship as one of the Top Ten Young Entrepreneurs with a vision to change India. In recognition of this rare achievement, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will felicitate Amit along with the […]

Amit Agarwal – The Entrepreneur in the Making


Generally, a student completes college, gets a degree and looks for a job. If he is a bright student with a good degree under his belt from a renowned institution, he gets the job in quick time. Otherwise it may take longer. However there are some really hard working, innovative students who plan and begin […]