
Peter Drucker – The Father of Management

Peter Drucker known as the ‘Father of Management’, born in Vienna, Austria on November 19, 1909 was born into a household which was of great intellectual ferment. His parents Adolph and Caroline were intellectuals who entertained intellectual gathering at their home with economist, politicians, musicians, writers, scientists etc. Peter referred to these gatherings as his […]

A Session with Mumbai’s Dabbawalas!

Meeting Masters Of Supply Chain Management The Siliguri chapter of CII’s Young Indians group organized a special interactive session with Mumbai’s Dabbawalas on the 19th of September. The event was a great success as several business enthusiasts and entrepreneurs attended the programme and learnt all about the practical wisdom and skills of Mumbai Dabbawalas and […]

Welcoming the Dabbawalas of Mumbai to Siliguri

NB: This event is completely organized by Young Indians Siliguri & Inspiria is only an associate sponsor to this event. Remember the “dabbawallas” of Mumbai – the excellent team of nearly 5000 highly dedicated and committed lunch box (or dabbas) delivery team who deliver around 200000 lunch boxes to the workplaces of office/factory workers in […]

GMAT – Test Preferred by Most Business Programs around the World

GMAT, standing for the Graduate Management Admission Test, is a standardized test for preparing for management aspirants to get enrolled in foreign business schools. The test is designed to measure their verbal, mathematical, analytical writing skills, thus, making it easier to select the correct candidate for reputed foreign business & management schools. An essential requirement […]