An Inspiring Session

Meeting a Man with a Mission! It was a weekend full of meaningful activity! Everyone was waiting for the first session of the Inspiria Inspiring Story which was chaired by young, path-breaking Indian entrepreneur Shreyans Bhandari. The first thing that that we were reminded off hearing Shreyans speak was the film Three Idiots! Why? The […]
Shriyans Bhandari-Inspirational Young Entrepreneur of Modern India

Shriyans Bhandari, who will be the chief speaker of Inspiring Stories at Inspiria Knowledge Campus, is a resident of Udaipur, received Sumitoma Corporation Scholarship teice ( 2012 & 2013) for academics. An author, ornithologist and photographer has published in Dec 2013, ‘ Birds of Aravallis’ a photographic guide to the birds found in the Aravalli […]