
Vedant Bajaj – Entrepreneur with a different outlook

All great things start from something simple. Vedant Bajaj a very modest and simple person with high ambition in life, is into tea business. ‘Kesarbari Chai’ the brand name of his tea, of which they are into blending and packing. Vedant Bajaj in partnership with his cousin Ashis Agarwal is managing the tea business. His vision is to provide […]

Inspirians Making it to the Finals!

The Inspiria team reached the finals in the CII organized Yu-Start Business Ideas Contest! The final round of the Best Business Ideas Contest organized by YuStart was held in Bangalore on the 25th and 26th of September, 2015. We are happy to announce that the team from Inspiria Knowledge Campus named BYE-LOADS not only made […]

Team Bye Loads at YuStart 15 Prelims

Team Bye_loads from Inspiria Knowledge Campus has been selected among the top 12 teams from all over India for the semi-final round of YuSTART 2015, to be held in Bangalore on the 25th and 26th of September. The national level contest is being organized by Young Indians-YUVA(CII). Earlier Inspiria cleared the regional round of the […]

Inspiria Leads at YuStart Regional Competition 2015

The 23rd of August 2015 was a day of achievement for Inspiria Knowledge Campus. Team “BYE-LOADS” from Inspiria Knowledge Campus were declared the winners in the Regional Level Finale for YUSTART 2015, held at Institute Of Chartered Accountants of India (I.C.A.I), organized by Young Indians– YUVA(CII), Siliguri Chapter, 9 Teams from across the region had […]