Warm Welcome for InspiriaQ Prelims at Techno India Group Public School, Siliguri

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With the InspiriaQ Inter-School Quiz Contest closing in at our heels, we at Inspiria Knowledge Campus conducted the preliminary rounds at Techno India Group Public School, Siliguri. On the 13th of September, 2014, Saturday, we conducted the preliminary round of the quiz at the premises of Techno India Group Public School, Siliguri. The reporting time was at 7:30 am in the morning. There were around 37 students from classes XI and XII who took the quiz at the school. The complete co-ordination for the prelims was done with Mr. Shantanu, Faculty at Techno Model School.

The students taking the quiz were highly energetic and enthusiastic about the whole affair. They were briefed about Inspiria Knowledge Campus, Siliguri and InspiriaQ Quiz by Ms. Jyoti Pradhan, Counsellor, Inspiria. The complete affair was a two hour process. It brought out the flair of the students and their acumen to the forefront. It also showed the talent of the students in this region which they are not able to project due to the lack of opportunities.

The top four students to have emerged after the prelims are as follows:

  • Jaydeep Taparia, Class XI, Commerce
  • Raj Dey, Class XII, Science
  • Lisha Roy, Class XII, Humanities
  • Dhripam Datta, Class XI, Science

The above named students would be representing their school, Techno India Group Public School, Siliguri at the Grand Finale of the InspiriaQ Inter-School Quiz Contest at Inspiria Knowledge Campus, Siliguri on 23rd November, 2014.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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