Your Ultimate Guide to Personal Branding

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What is personal branding

We are the CEO of our own company. To make a name for yourself in the digital market today; our important job is to become the manager of a brand called YOU. The sooner you start working on your brand image the better!

Creating personal branding can be daunting. You might get lost in the way and lose grasp of where you started and where you are headed. This is why we have created a guidebook to help you start with your self-branding journey today.

Let’s start small

Creating a personal brand is a never-ending process and is something you keep working on parallel to your primary tasks. However, there are some bits that can be fixed today and will give you a sense of fulfilment. 

  • Make a personal branding folder to share with your RM ad mentor.
  • Optimise your SM, especially your LinkedIn. Add background photo, title, summary etc. your profile needs to resemble you as a person. 
  • Showcase your achievements and thrive for more. 

Skills Required

Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is the ability to understand and make use of digital technologies. In the modern world, this is increasingly important, as the internet and digital technology are slowly becoming an essential component of many people’s lives. As time goes on, more and more people are getting online and utilizing these technologies in their everyday lives, whether for work or at home.

Actively managing your digital identity and reputation, and caring for your digital wellbeing, is a crucial and encompassing element for you to fulfil your potential in today’s digital society.

Communication Skills

Stellar communication skills are important not just for personal branding but for life in general. It makes you persuasive, confident and in control of your messages. There is no rocket science or secret spice to becoming a better communicator but there are a few things you can do to amp up your communication skills.

  • Listen, listen and listen
  • Be specific and brief
  • Read
  • Body language matters
  • Pace Yourself

Also read: 5 easy and fun ways to improve your English

Degree and Certification

Knowledge brings knowledge. The more you know, the easier it becomes to learn more things. If you have an advanced degree, or certificate can help you to differentiate yourself from other professionals in your field and demonstrate your expertise. Having a certificate not only validates your knowledge but also adds colour to your resume. 

Content creation

Content has been an integral part of branding, whether on an individual or company level. Gone are the days of entrepreneurs and executives staying behind the scenes of a company. In this digital era, creating content over social media platforms can help you build credibility, trust and increase your audience. 

Here are some simple tips on content creation to get you started:

  • Start thinking as a content creator and not as a content consumer. 
  • Plan your content beforehand or better – create a social media calendar to plan out your monthly content.
  • Be acquainted with your audience, trends, latest features and analytics. 
  • Remember! Everything is content – get in the habit of documenting or recording what you think will add value to your audiences. 
  • Be social – interact with your audience, share others’ content, and collaborate with other creators. 

Also read: Brand Yourself from Social Media

Identify Yourself

Ever heard of Ikigai? A Japanese philosophy that teaches us how to live a prosperous life. Ikigai is a state of well-being that arises from devotion to activities one enjoys, which also brings a sense of fulfilment and prosperity.

Finding purpose in life is one of those things that most people want. Whether we know it or not. While asking what your purpose is can seem like a lofty question, it’s one worth asking. And trying to answer. Finding your purpose can unlock greater satisfaction and success in all areas of your life. Let’s help you find your purpose by breaking it down and finding answers to some pivotal questions.

Who are you?

Authenticity is a great asset. In order to build a personal brand that accurately reflects your personal and professional identity, you first need to know who you are. Be introspective, and create a list of your personal strengths and weaknesses. Determine what you want to be known for.

Figure your strengths and weaknesses

This becomes an output of the first question. The more you try to dig deep into knowing yourself the more your intuition rewards you with answers. All you gotta do is ask the right questions. Questions like:

  • In which areas of work do I excel?
  • What motivates me?
  • What characteristics have others complimented me on?
  • Which projects have others had to help me with repeatedly?
  • Which roles seem to drain my energy?
  • Which projects can I spend hours on without feeling overwhelmed or tired?

What value do you bring?

Standing out from the crowd and filling in the defining gap between the wants and the haves will set you apart. Brand value can be achieved by specializing in a specific domain. Expertise on a subject or service through focus area of learning, internship, certification and attending workshops.  

Benefits of personal branding 

You now know a thing or two about branding which is great when you’re just starting out. But you must be wondering what will self-branding bring me in return. Well, here are the most powerful results of uncovering, exuding and nurturing the brand called YOU:

You become authentic: The power of personal branding is that you’re never playing a role. Instead, you’re delivering on your brand promise in a way that’s unique to you.

You attract opportunities: When you are clear about your brand promise and you commit to sharing it with the people who need to know you, your brand starts to take on a life of its own. 

You gain name and fame: As your network grows, you’ll find more and more people recognize your name before you meet them. Your prominence will grow and continue to keep you in a position of power in the workplace. 

Also read : 5 ways to improve your communication skills

How to get success in life?

All the information mentioned above can be overwhelming at first but, a brand isn’t built overnight. And trust us, the reward is greater than the risk. It is a slow race you need to win with consistency. Just know that being a successful brand starts with the habits you form.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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