Five Easy and Fun Ways to Improve your English 

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Five Ways to improve your english

Learning to communicate fluently in English is a dream nurtured by many. Some work hard to realize the dream, while many feel deterred due to a plethora of reasons. How can one go about improving one’s proficiency in the language while enjoying the process? Here are 5 easy and fun ways to improve your English. 

1. Read, Read, and Read Some More

Reading is the best way to learn new words and build your vocabulary. Choose a genre that you would like to explore. It could be mystery, horror, romantic or comedy. Start by reading short stories, interesting articles, and poems, rather than taking up a big chunky novel. This will help you start slowly and proceed steadily. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day!

2. Netflix and Learn

Grab some snacks and lose yourself in the cinematic world of movies, series and documentaries in English during your recreational hours. If you find it difficult to follow what is being said at first, you can take the help of subtitles. This will strengthen your listening skill which is a key factor in language learning. Moreover, this will steer your focus on English to conversational English. 

3.  Sing Along

Plugin your headphones and listen to your favorite artists’ songs in English. Enjoy the music and hum along! You can also listen to podcasts and audiobooks on various topics of your interest while you commute or go about doing your daily chores. 

4. Journal Your Journey

Maintain a journal to pour your thoughts in English every time you feel like expressing yourself. Use the same journal to note down new words, phrases, or idioms that you come across every single day. Try using those words in your daily conversations or when you are writing your journal to enhance your vocabulary. 

5. Speak and You will Succeed

And finally, every skill requires practice! What keeps most people from achieving mastery over the language is the fear of making mistakes. Their effort to improve their vocabulary, listening, reading and writing skills can be strengthened only if they speak the language. Start conversing in English with your friends, siblings, and acquaintances. Just remember that it’s okay to make mistakes, even the most eloquent speakers do. And ironically, your mistakes are what will shape you.

Try these tricks, practice them consistently and witness yourself excelling at communicating in impeccable English. 

You have to take this chance to make a choice, or else your life will never change.  

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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