Young Quizzers Battled in the InspiriaQ Prelims at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Alipurduar

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The fight for the coveted InspiriaQ winners’ position during the Inter-School Quiz is heating up. The prelims were held at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Alipurduar on 23rd September, 2014. There were about 65 students who participated in the prelims of InspiriaQ. It was held at 11 AM in the morning.

Mr. Rupak Das, Relationship Manager was there on behalf of Inspiria Knowledge Campus conducting the prelims of the Inter-School Quiz at the school. He briefed the students about Inspiria Knowledge Campus informing them about the college and the courses offered.

Mr. Das also intimated the students about the rules and regulations of the quiz which needed to be followed by them during the prelims of the quiz. The students were highly attentive during the interaction listening to each word which was being spoken to them.

It showed the enthusiasm of the students with regards to the quiz. They had the want not only to do well for themselves but also for their school at the biggest stage of quizzing. The winners of the prelims who will represent the school on the finale of InspiriaQ, 2014 are as follows:

  • Akash Saha – Class XII
  • Nehal Naik – Class XI
  • Arpandeep Lama – Class XII
  • Abhijit Roy – Class XII

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