5 Hot Career Options In India For 2015

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India still being a developing country and having the second highest population in the world complicates the matter of employment generation for the people. The supply and demand in the job scenario do not match and most importantly the quality required and demanded by the industries is not got by them.

With the New Year, 2015 knocking on the door the people are looking forward for new avenues to expand their growth and career prospects. The top 5 industries to look forward for employment in the upcoming year are as follows:

Retail Sector:

It is one of the biggest employment generating segments in the country. The Indian market is the fifth largest global retail region in the market. According to a survey about 45 lakh people will be required to complete the demand of employees in the segment. Both the organized and unorganized division of retail will total about 650 billion dollars in the coming year.

Banking and Financial Sector:

The Banking and Financial region in India is very strong and is important for the growth of the country as a developed nation. In the coming year there will be about 45 to 50 lakh jobs available in the category of industry. The need for highly specialized skilled people will be the most.

Construction Sector:

The construction area which is the second highest contributor to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will also have new jobs for suitable people in the area in the coming year. In the long run the stratum boasts of economic growth of the country.

HealthCare Sector:

With over a billion people in India the health industry in the country is growing at a rapid pace. With India on the verge to becoming the third largest economy in the world by 2050. This opens up new avenues for the people in case of employment chances.

Automobile Industry:

The auto region in India is growing at a rate of 14%. Its contribution to the growth of the country is expected to be at 159 billion and in the next 10 years about 25lakh skilled people will be required by the subdivision. This opens up new, fresh job opportunities for people across the country to fit the criteria.

Thus, instead of criticizing things around we should make ourselves skilled in the way the industry wants its workforce to be and in the process become eligible for new employment opportunities that are going come in galore in the coming years.

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