
NASSCOM TechConclave 2016 – A great transformation

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The NASSCOM Techconclave, 2016 held at Inspiria Knowledge Campus, Siliguri was a great revolution for the academic as well as business sector in entire North Bengal. NASSCOM is the premier organization that represents and sets the tone for public policy for the Indian software industry. The events began with the launch of Incubation centre named STUP by Prof. Indrajit Chatterjee, Inspiria Knowledge campus. STUP – is a place where emerging ideas are cared, nourished and given an environment to grow. Students of Inspiria as well as students from different colleges in North Bengal will be given a chance to Start-up the business idea and grow.

Mr. Rajiv Vaishnav addressing the audience at the summit

Mr. Rajiv Vaishnav (Head – Ecosystem & Partnerships at GenNext Hub, A Reliance Enterprise) was called up to highlight the need and importance of StartUp Ecosystem. His session was full of insights and high source of motivation. He not only encouraged the entrepreneur but also the intrapreneurs. The highly enlightening session was followed by a mind- boggling workshop of Dr. Som Singh Dutta – Founder & Chief Marketing – Unspun Consulting Group (UCG), a self made entrepreneur. Her workshop on Entrepreneurship was inspiring and endeavouring to help the students understand the need of time.

Interactive session at TechConclave’16

The second ‘Techconclave’ was inaugurated with the lighting of the lamp ceremony by Mr. Atul Gupta, Founder & CEO Insync Solutions, Mr. Kamal Agarwala, Chairman NASSCOM East Region Product Council, Mr. Rajiv Vaishnav, Head of GenNextHub, Relience Enterprise and Dr. Som Singh Dutta, Founder & Chief Marketing – UCG Unspun Consulting Group. There was an interactive session by eminent personalities from the field of Information Technology. An insight was provided by them into the field of employment and entrepreneurship. Also, inspiring stories were shared with the students to get them motivated.

Inauguration of “The Edupreneurs Meet” at the summit

Post lunch, How technology is transforming education landscape was explained by Dr. Som Dutta Singh. She with her energy and knowledge enlightened the minds of the attendees. Analysis shows there is a huge gap between the students and the teachers. This gap can be easily bridged by the useage of technology, said Dr. Som. This is the true fact of our Indian eduction system. Students have become tech savy and the teachers are still following the old method of teaching which is a mere source of boredom for the students of this age. Education system needs to transform before its too late and gems to our near future dissolve in dark. She also, leveraged about, use, and importance of technology.

Interactive session at TechConclave’16” at the summit

Mr. Ravi Kedia, Co-Founder at TradeDesk – directed the audience mind towards – Leverage Technology for Operations. Means how technology helps in management operations. He also, highlighted the changing model of technology. Moral behind his session was that rigidity can kill the product and if we want to save the product we need to liquidify ourselves- allow changes in our idea to keep it existing.

Felicitation of the delegates during the summit

The last day was very useful as well as an important lesson was given to both our future entrepreneurs and intrepreneurs. The lesson was that ‘Failure’ – is not the end but a lesson to start-up fresh, learn from the mistakes. The second important lesson learnt was ‘skill’ are very important for both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs.

This is how ‘Techconclave’ came to an end. Leaving all the audience filled with reinforcement, zeal, aim and objective- to do something good in life.

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