
A Programme on Child Health at Inspiria

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Eminent physicians of Siliguri address issues related to pediatrics

Pediatric health acquires special significance as only a healthy baby can grow into a strong and fit adult. However while parents are keen to take their children to a doctor when ill, what is often missed out are routine health checks that are so necessary to keep a tab on the child’s growth and development. What is required is greater awareness on the subject in order to ensure that child health is not neglected or taken for granted by parents and guardians.

To spread awareness on various aspects of pediatric tratment, particularly with regard to handling emergencies, a conference was organized by the Pediatrics Association in Siliguri which was titled “Handling Office Pediatrics Emergencies” on Sunday the 15th of November. Eminent pediatric phyicians of Siliguri participated in the programme which included:

  • Dr. Vasudev
  • Dr. Ghazi
  • Dr. Mridula Chatterjee
  • Dr. G.P Sapkota
  • Dr. Ajit Chhetri

Dr. G.P Sapkota focused on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) which is a lifesaving technique useful in many emergencies, including heart attack or near drowning, in which someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped. Dr Ghazi and Dr Biplab apokew on LMA or Laryngeal Mask Airway — also known as laryngeal mask and supraglottic airway — a medical device that keeps a patient’s airway open during anesthesia. Dr Vasudev and Dr Jayati spoke on Intraosseous infusion (IO) which is the process of injecting directly into the marrow of a bone to provide a non-collapsible entry point into the systemic venous system. This technique is used to provide fluids and medication when intravenous access is not available or not feasible.

The eminent physicians took great pains to explain these complex issue simply to make them comprehensible to laymen. The one-day programme was meaningful and beneficial too.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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