
A show put up by students in creative disguise at Inspiria – COSPLAY 2018

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Cosplay 2018 was organized here on the 5th of December on the campus premises. Enthusiastic students portraying various comic characters had turned up for the event and made it a memorable evening.

The college is supposed to dress up in their favorite comic characters or in black and display them. Like every year, students came up with creative looks of their favorite comic characters. From Marshmallow to Rapunzel, Joker to Vampire, the evening was fun-filled and an enjoyable one. Breaking the monotony amidst the regular routine, students also showed their singing and musical talent thus, setting a warm tone on a chilly evening. There was also a camp-fire organized where students and teachers came together and altogether spent a very good time.

As the event came to an end, people promised of a wonderful return next year with some more interesting and creative characters to be portrayed, leading to more fun and frolic.

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