Behance Portfolio Review, Siliguri

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The Behance Portfolio review programme on the 17th of May, 2014 at Inspiria Knowledge Campus, Siliguri was a grand success. People from all over North Bengal including Kolkata and Bihar participated in the gala event.

There were approximately 40 participants which included painters, graphic designers and people from the creative field showcasing their talent.

The Chief Guest for the event was Product Vice-President of, Mr. Satyajit Singh. He enlightened the audience about content for mobile applications. He helped in the understanding of mobile app functioning. Here’s a cool presentation on “Going Mobile” by him:

There was a portfolio review competition that took place where the best creative minds got awards for their work.

During the competition the participants were divided into 4 teams comprising of 7 participants each. Mr. Satyajit Singh, Product Vice-President and Mr. Rakesh Mondal, Creative Head at Inspiria were the judges for the competition.

Seven people were chosen to showcase their individual portfolios via projector. They were given special minted coins from Behance. There were three winners from the seven people chosen to showcase their portfolio.

The winner was Mr. Diwakar Pradhan from Kalimpong in the Graphics Category, Mr. Divendra Dewan from Kolkata was the 1st Runners-Up again from the Graphics Category while the 2nd Runners-Up was Mr. Shantanu Banerjee from Siliguri in the Photography category.

The winner won himself an Adobe Creative Cloud License for 1 year worth Rs. 50,000/-, while the 1st and 2nd Runners-Up got certificates from Behance.

The programme enlightened people about the role played by Behance and its services which includes specializing in self-promotion including consulting and online portfolio sites.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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