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Inspiria Cosplay 2021 – Inspirians Pay Tribute To Their Long Cherished Characters

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Costume, creativity, characters! The 4.0 edition of Inspiria Cosplay had it all for the creative folks wanting to make the heads turn and the jaws drop! The chilling winter breeze, the bonfire, and the musicals produced a perfect setting for a thrill. The cosplay added an air of excitement to the campus life for both the freshers and the seniors.

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Thanks to the widespread vaccination and the resumption of in-person gatherings! Things are steadily falling back to normal again. And with it, after much anticipation, Inspiria Cosplay 2021 was hosted on 30 November at the campus premises.

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The event started in the late afternoon at around 3:00 pm onwards. Amidst the buzz of cheerfulness and excitement, cosplayers spent their precious hours of the day preparing their outfit, face paints, diverse hairstyles, and other elements to be at par with their fancied character.

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The event presented the Inspirians with an opportunity to browse and embody their favorite personas. Speaking of the “options” in terms of cosplaying, Inspirians amazed the crowd with their confidence, body positivity, and spirit.

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Cosplay 2021 served the creative craving of fandoms for diverse categories like Hollywood, Pop Culture, Disney, and the Gen-Z characters. And even now, we are unable to erase the mind-blowing visuals of Gen-Z visuals in their monochrome attire. Their aura gave off the air of supremacy, power, and influence.

The head-turners from the 2021 Inspiria Cosplay were – Harry Potter Clan, Joker, Disney’s Jasmine, Marshmallow, including the epic “invisible shadow” from the Met Gala 2021 inspired by Kim Kadarshian.

Apart from the attractive ensembles, irresistible face paints, diverse hair-do’s, and zestful ramp walk, Inspirians paid tribute to their long-cherished characters with utmost reverence and admiration.

For Inspirians, Cosplay is an important affair. Despite the thrill, there is a sentiment attached to this event. It allows the individual to embrace and personify the cherished character they have watched in movies or read about in the books.

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The additional entertainment activities like musicals, games added more to this exquisite affair. The major highlight of the cosplay included a ramp walk, bonfire, and an intriguing confession session.

In conclusion, we want to add that Inspiria Cosplay is more than just a regular event. It presents a platform for Inspirians willing to explore and exhibit their creativity in real life without relying on photoshops and social media filters

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