Declaration in Your Resume: Everything You Need to Know

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If you are a young job applicant and have begun submitting job applications, you must be aware of a declaration towards the end of your resume which you have to sign. While for government jobs this declaration is compulsory, other organizations including big corporate houses also require it. The question is what is this declaration and why is it required? Read this blog to know all about your declaration in the resume.

What Is a Declaration In A Resume?

The declaration that you make in your resume is an assertion that whatever information provided and statement stated in the resume is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. The declaration also mentions specifically that the applicant would be solely responsible if any information in the resume is later found to be false. The declaration has to be signed by the applicant with date and location and adds a legal validity to your application, strengthening its credibility and merit.

When and Where to Include a Resume Declaration?

A resume declaration is compulsory when you are applying for government jobs or against vacancies in large, formal organizations such as the Railways, Public Sector companies or big corporate houses. Organizations with formal recruitment processes such as the police, army and hospitals that have a systematic, outlined appointment procedure require a categorical declaration as a part of their application.
The resume declaration can be stated at the end of the application letter or even as a separate statement when specified. In pre-set job application templates (as required by government agencies and by educational institutions), the declaration is drafted as a part of the pre-set application format which the applicant only has to sign.

Importance of Declaration in Resume

The “Declaration” in a resume or job application is essentially a statement where the applicant confirms that the information provided in the document is true to the best of their knowledge. While it’s not always required, it is commonly used in some countries or industries as a form of self-certification. The declaration enhances the validity and credibility of a resume.

Why Do You Need A Declaration In Your Resume?

There are four main reasons why you need a declaration in your resume. These are:-

  • Verification of Accuracy: The declaration assures the employer that the candidate is honest about their qualifications, experience, and other details mentioned in the resume.
  • Legal Protection: It serves as a safeguard against false claims. If any information turns out to be inaccurate, the declaration can be used to hold the candidate accountable.
  • Standard Practice in Certain Regions: In some countries, especially in India, it is a common practice to include a declaration in the resume. It is seen as a formal acknowledgment that the information provided is correct.
  • Professionalism: Including a declaration can make your application seem more formal and complete, especially in industries where documentation is highly scrutinized.

How to Write a Declaration in a Resume

Your declaration should be drafted in a formal and official tone without any ambiguity or superfluous expressions. The key points you have to categorically spell out in the declaration are

  • That all information provided are true and accurate.
  • No relevant fact/information has been concealed.
  • That you would be solely responsible in case any discrepancy is found in the information provided.

Resume Declaration Template


Sometimes, a large recruitment agency or organization maintains a pre-set format for job application/resume submission. This is called a resume template. Resume templates include all relevant information such as educational qualifications, work experience etc. of the applicant. A fixed template facilitates the recruiting agency to shortlist candidates for the interview since the fixed resume format adds convenience to the comparative analysis of applicants and saves time.

Examples of Resume Declarations

The following are two formats of resume declarations that could be used by job applicants.

1. “I hereby certify that the information provided by me in this resume is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I acknowledge that I will be liable for any information provided or statement made if found to be untrue as also for concealing relevant information with regard to the position applied for.”


2. “I hereby declare that all information provided in this resume is correct, true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I shall take full responsibility for any information which is found to be inaccurate or false”

Date ………………………………


1. What is a declaration in your resume?

ANS:- The declaration that you make in your resume is an assertion that whatever information provided and statement stated in the resume is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. The declaration also mentions specifically that the applicant would be solely responsible if any information in the resume is later found to be false.

2. Will my application be valid if I don’t include the declaration in the resume?

ANS:- Your application may be accepted but it may not receive professional value. In the government sector, a resume template or format is provided which includes the declaration section so it is compulsory.

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