
How to Write a Declaration In Resume: Tips & Tricks

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declaration in resume

It is a well known trick that a good resume lands you your desired job. A well written resume is a union of well formatted, easy to comprehend contents. With time and the advancements followed, resume formats are being changed and contents are getting lengthier. Apart from the usual content that goes in your resume i.e. your personal details, skills, education qualifications and experience you also need to put a statement at the bottom of the document, popularly called a declaration.

What is a Declaration in Resume?

A declaration in a resume to put it simply is just you providing a statement of assurance that whatever information you provided in the document is correct. It is to make sure that you do not fake or provide any type of false information to the employer. In India it is pretty common and a must have section in a resume. In a typical resume it is put at the end of the document just above where your signature and the date goes.

Why is Declaration needed in a resume?

When applying for a job, it is likely that often your potential employer doesn’t know you. This means that there is only a tiny amount or no trust at all between the two of you. So as to appeal to the employer, you make sure to provide the correct information about yourself. A declaration helps build that trust. Once you write that statement and attest it with your signature, your resume becomes more formal, especially in India. It is a standard practice.

Do you always need to add a Declaration in your resume?

It is a standard practice in India. Its importance has become debatable over the years, but the statement still makes it to most of the resumes. As mentioned earlier the declaration makes your resume more formal, so in a more formal and strict workplace it is a must as compared to a more relaxed environment. If you are applying for a position in a government organisation, it is mandatory. In the corporate sector where there is a more hierarchical and formal application process, it is a must

What all information is included in a Declaration in a resume?

There are three important things which make a declaration and not one of these should be excluded.
First: A statement saying that all the information you provided in your resume (personal & other) is true and if any of it is found to be false, you shall take the full responsibility.

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Second: Date and your location
Third: Your full name and signature

Some tips & tricks on writing a declaration in your resume

Well, adding a declaration at the end of your resume is no rocket science but those who may be constructing their resume for the first time may not be sure of how to write it. Below are some pointers to note
• Do go on writing a whole lot of things, just be precise.
• Best to end in a single sentence or two.
• Don’t forget to add the phrases ‘I declare’, ‘True to the best of my knowledge’, ‘Take full responsibility if false’.
• Don’t forget to write your location.
• Write your full name and then put your signature below it.

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