Cuing the line of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dream of reaching ‘One Tax, One Nation’, Inspiria Knowledge Campus, Siliguri, on Friday conducted a workshop on the utility of Goods and Services Tax (GST), imposed by the ruling Government to bring into the tax in-discrepancies into the board. Addressing the house, gathered together to realise the impact of the new tax regime, CA Sanjay Goel said that GST would be the simplest tax mechanism to substitute the multi-tax system earlier worked on for maintaining the fiscal balance.

Among the distinguished speakers, there was G Tibrewal of Logic Fusion, one of the leading legal and accounting firms of North-East India, who certainly established his points of arguments and made the audience understand the process to register themselves under the new tax regime. Having eliminated the rust of confusions, the people have been having regarding the complexity and utility of GST, he clarified that it would never act as a burden rather would facilitate the Government to fight the illegal and unauthentic transactions happening across. It was followed by a Tally presentation pertaining to the hands-on experiences that the citizens require in this new regime.

Inspiria, with all its aspirations to make the students employable and the pledge to create a new generation of entrepreneurs altogether alongside arranging the venue, served dinner to the audiences and the aforesaid Guests. The college looks forward to taking such initiatives to change the understanding of the transitional age that proceeds toward a digital goal and destination.