
Inspiria Shining Star Felicitation Program 2022

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Boards exams are considered one of the most important exams that is known for monitoring the preparation and positively assessing the students’ value and evaluating their success for future endeavors. There is no doubt that the concept of board examination is quite scary to students and WBCHSE is one of them. As there is a huge amount of hard work and toil that needs to be there to ensure that there is a good result that will help the students to thrive for future excellence respectively. 

Examinations, irrespective of any medium, have always been a source of unwanted anxiety for students and individuals of every field because it is a difficult process that does not seem too difficult when there is the right amount of preparation and hard work infused in it. There have been instances where excellence and good work have been awarded to ensure that there is more room for motivation, growth, and development. 

The prolonged wait and fear of the students have finally come to an end when the results of WBCHSE were announced and their sheer determination and hard work has been rewarded. Most of the students appearing for the WBCHSE Class 12 Board Examinations have done exceedingly well and it is the time for felicitating the bright and meritorious students for their determination, toil, and hard work that they have put amidst such chaos and stress coming from various societal aspects. 

Inspiria Knowledge Campus will be felicitating the young students of WBCHSE Class 12 who performed robustly and came out with flying colors. The college has taken this initiative to support and honor the bright students to motivate them for obtaining further success in their future endeavors. Their outstanding performance, undoubtedly, calls for more than just an applauding. Inspiria has decided to felicitate the young students to ensure that they feel ecstatic and at the same time, keep their feet on firm ground by dreaming for more and more growth!! 

Inspiria Knowledge Campus feels the importance of appreciating not only those who have scored above 95% but also acknowledging those students who have scored above 75%. The intention is undoubtedly very noble and appreciative because, in today’s competitive society, students who score more than 90-95% are always seen to be in the limelight of the parents, society, teachers as well as the school.

There is no doubt about their hard work and determination that allowed them to pursue these excellencies. However, society often neglects those who try and work hard, irrespective of any given circumstances, to score as per their capability. Therefore, here at Inspiria Knowledge Campus, it has been decided that students who have not been in the “spotlight” will also be rewarded for their utmost determination, hard work, and love for their academic curriculum. 

Inspiria feels that it is their privilege to be on the same journey of their success and will be felicitating the young students with a token of appreciation. Inspiria realizes that it is important for the students to feel recognized and acknowledged by an educational institution so that their hard work, determination, focus, and diligence are not only recognized but at the same time, their hard work is equally felicitated for further motivation and excellence in various prospects that they embark upon. 

Do grace the event with your valuable presence on 22nd June 2022 at 11 am.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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