Marathon in Kolkata 2021: Add a New Feather to Your Fitness Cap With Inspiria Youthrun 2021

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Date – 20 Nov 2021

Time – 6:00 AM , Eco Park

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What is a Marathon?

Most runners have heard of Pheidippides, a Greek messenger who raced from Marathon, Greece, to Athens, Greece’s capital city, to deliver news of the Greek army’s victory over the Persians, eventually dying after delivering the message. The final distance between the two points was 26.2 kilometres, which can be considered the origin of the modern marathon distance. Marathon has grown to be as popular as it is today thanks to the legend and one of the Olympic committee’s delegates, Michel Breal, who pushed the idea of a long-distance race as one of the Olympic events. He had, in fact, presented his case with the story of Pheidippides.

In the decades since it was first included in the Olympics, the marathon has grown in popularity among the general public. Because of its widespread popularity, the sport is now played in a plethora of cities all over the world. Many people report a sense of freedom, as well as various feelings of happiness and contentment, after finishing a marathon. Even those who despise the idea of working out become addicted to this 42.195 kilometer long foot race (26 miles 385 yards). Running is a sport that becomes a habit, a way of life, rather than an obligation.

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Inspiria YouthRun 2021

Inspiria YouthRun is an annual marathon event that promotes running and the adoption of a healthy routine or fitness regime, ultimately leading to the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. The Inspiria YouthRun is an excellent opportunity for fitness enthusiasts to keep up with their passion. The first virtual marathon, Inspiria YouthRun 2020, was launched as the pandemic spread and constraints tightened. Fortunately, we will have a physical marathon in Kolkata this year. Since the situation has now subsided by miles and it appears that we must adapt to this new normal, a physical marathon in a city as grand as Kolkata is all that is required.

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However, one of the new features of this year’s YouthRun is that all of your running statistics will be logged online using a running app. One of the primary goals of this physical run is to rekindle that sense of community while also enjoying a sport as enjoyable as running. In addition to the main marathon event, there will be a variety of mini-events such as Zumba and other stretching exercises.

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The fourth Inspiria YouthRun will be held in three West Bengal cities: Kolkata, Siliguri, and Darjeeling, with the goal of bringing people from all over North Bengal together. Running has already become one of the most popular forms of exercise. Especially for those who are just beginning their fitness journey. It is common knowledge that Kolkata is home to a large number of runners, and we are delighted to include and welcome all runners and fitness enthusiasts.

The Inspiria YouthRun 2021 is divided into three distances: 5k, 10k, and 21k, all of which support our inclusive mission. Distances ranging from 5 to 21 kilometres have been established to accommodate all types of runners. Anyone, whether a novice runner or a world champion runner, can participate in this event and put themselves to the test.

Inspiria YouthRun 2021 Marathon in Kolkata

The Inspiria YouthRun, one of North Bengal’s largest marathon events, will take place in Kolkata on November 20th. The marathon will begin at 6 a.m. from the Eco Park in Kolkata. The three distance categories are 5K, 10K, and 21K.
Why participate in Inspiria YouthRun 2021 Marathon KolkataWell, firstly a passionate runner knows that you don’t always need a reason for a good run. But if you still need convincing, here are a few reasons

why you should participate in the Inspiria YouthRun 2021 Marathon Kolkata.

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●Inspiria YouthRun has three distance categories: 5K, 10K, and 21K, so you can challenge yourself based on your stamina and participate in the category that best suits you.

●While practising for it, you’ll keep active and physically fit, and as we know it physical fitness enhances mental fitness.

●Participating in a sporting event like the Inspiria YouthRun Marathon in Kolkata is one of the best ways to still keep up with your passion for fitness in a city.

●Rekindle the sense of community, challenge yourself and connect with fellow runners.

●Participate because the registration for the marathon in Kolkata for 2021 for all categories: 5K, 10K and 21K is still open.

What’s in it for you?

Aside from a sense of accomplishment, contributing to your fitness journey, and challenging yourself, participating in this marathon in Kolkata will also provide you with some materialistic benefits.

For the 5k race participants:

Olympic size finisher medal, light & breathable running t-shirt by T10sports, personalized BIB with your name and number, Digital Certificate, a goodie bag as well as refreshments.

For the 10k race participants:

Olympic size finisher medal, light & breathable running t-shirt by T10sports, personalized BIB with your name and number, Digital Certificate, a goodie bag as well as refreshments.

For 21K race participants:

Olympic size finisher medal, light & breathable running t-shirt by T10sports, personalized BIB with your name and number, Digital Certificate, a goodie bag as well as refreshments.

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For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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