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New Year Celebrations in Siliguri

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New Year has always been a time to celebrate and enjoy oneself with family and friends. It is the time to make resolutions and carry forward the ones which could not be completed or fulfilled in the past year. For the students appearing for their board examinations it is a time to start taking studies more seriously.

31st December night parties are the main attraction for people across the globe. Everyone loves to party and the New Year gives all a perfect reason to put one’s hair down and party till the time one drops. All across the country there are various get together and parties organized by various clubs, hotels and resorts.

The ushering of the New Year is a time when everyone in the family gets together no matter wherever they are for various purposes. It is a time for get together, celebrations, partying, meeting people and enjoying oneself to the fullest. It is a time for re-unions among family members after a long period of hiatus.

New Year celebrations in Siliguri were full of life and enthusiasm. After the wonderful Siliguri Carnival organized by Siliguri Municipal Corporation (SMC) the new year gave another reason for Siligurites to carry on the festivities after the carnival. The new metropolitan city on the map was completely decked up to bring in the new year and the excitement could be felt in the air.

Another year is always a time to make new resolutions no matter if the ones made last year were never fulfilled. It is the time to forget the old ones and make new promises with new vigor which does not last more than a week. Promises which are made to oneself at the start of the year are broken number of times over the year. Overall though the fun, excitement can always be felt during the year and it is bigger, better with every passing year.

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