International Cat Day, August 8, 2014

The International Cat Day was founded in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and other Animal Rights Groups. Cats have always been associated with humans for the last 9,500 years approximately. At this point of time Cats are the most popular pets of the world. Cats are actually social animals who are […]
Sarah Kashyap – An Inspiration, India

The story we are going to put across is something which does not takes place every day. We are going to talk about Sarah Kashyap, an ex-professor and former Google employee who lived in Britain for major part of her growing years, she came back to India amidst a wave of crimes against women to show to the people that […]
International Tiger’s Day, Inspiria, Siliguri

International Tiger’s Day is held annually on July 29th to give worldwide attention to the epidemic of possible extinction of the tigers. This day was founded at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in 2010. Many organizations pledged to help the wonderful creatures who have come close to extinction. The goal and aim of this day […]