Top tips to score 100 percent marks in Physics board exam

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It’s true, not everyone is born genius to find physics easy. With the board exams date sheet being released, you must have felt the pressure of qualifying in the listed subjects. In today’s context, the world chooses to believe that a student’s aptitude prevails in the number of percentage one scores on board exams.

Good grades in today’s context are very similar to the tickets for obtaining seats in the best institutions, which eventually helps them cover a step closer to their dream careers. And, that’s what the students strive for. So, here are some valuable and “top tips to score 100 percent marks in Physics board exam” because, to the majority, its a tougher subject in comparison with the others.

1. Devote More Time, Do Smart Study

Your success depends on your sincere preparation. If you find a subject hard, begin preparing early. Study the chapters taught in the class on regular basis. Early preparation means less pressure during studies. Devote your time as much as you can from the beginning. Divide the chapters that are co-related with each other. The strategic and smart study is more effective and less time-consuming.

2. Follow a study schedule

Draft a time-table for your studies. Do not miss out on any subject. Maintain a time for studying, practicing problems, and solving questions. Following a time table will help you remain disciplined as far as your academics are concerned. However, do not forget to take breaks in between, your mind needs it. Begin your preparation with the objective type questions if you find it hard to study.

3. Know the Syllabus

The syllabus is the backbone of a subject. Thus, before you start your preparation, take time to understand the syllabus thoroughly. If you understand the syllabus well, you will be able to get a clear and in-depth idea about the chapters. The syllabus helps you gain insight into the listed chapters, their importance, and their similarity between each other. You can sketch a timetable for the subjects that are associated with each other.

4.Solve the Previous Questions

It’s quite common for important questions to get repeated in the Board Exams. You can solve the previous years’ questions while you’re not studying. Doing so will help you get insight into the question format and marks distribution method. You will gain more confidence as you get a clear idea of the question format. If you find solving the previous year questions a monotonous task, we recommend you to solve questions for the alternate years. For example, if you’re appearing for CBSE 2019 Board Exams, you can solve questions from 2017, 2015. 2013, and so on.

5. Time Management

Time management is the essence of accomplishment. You will lose grades if you are inefficient with time management. Practice time management during the preparation process as it will help you during the exams. Wasting time is wasting life. It’s better to save the last days before the exams for revision alone, not for preparation. Furthermore, during your board exams, you should complete the test within the stipulated time. Remember, not to get stuck with a question for a prolonged period of time. You can always skip it and come back to it later.

6. Practice writing

Don’t forget that Every Board Exam conducts a manual examination where you have to provide hand-written answers. While the world has evolved with amazing gadgets where you can type in, its contrary in the board exams. Thus, consistent practice is needed because you don’t want your fingers to turn numb right after writing a few lines, right? And your handwriting should be readable enough to be understood by the evaluator. Lack of writing practice will lose you the grades.

7. Be Presentable

Don’t confuse being presentable with decoration. The majority of the students confuse between the duo. Being presentable indicates proper margins, neat handwriting, proper labels in diagrams. Make sure your answer script is tidy. Do not scratch when you make a mistake. Cross the errors with a pencil. Using excess Whitner or correction pen is a bad idea.
Do not use multicolor pens. You can use a black pen for writing titles and subtitles. Diagrams should be made with pencils alone. Do not use a highlighter.

8. Clear Misconceptions and Doubts

If you have doubts regarding anything, do not hesitate to ask for help from your teachers. You can even consult the doubts with your friends. It’s okay to indulge in group studies at-times that can benefit everyone. You can even join a coaching institute that teaches entirely helps the students with a particular subject they find tough. The coaching institutes even prepare an examinee entirely with all the subjects, be it arts, science, commerce, etc. You can trust the NCERT Books as it is considered the Bible for the CBSE Board Exams. Do not forget to take care of your health in the hassle of preparation. To have a healthy mind, you should have a healthy body.

Believe in yourself. We wish you all the best for your upcoming Board Exams!

Also Read: How to score highest marks in board exams

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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