
Why Career Counseling Is Important For School Students?

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Why Career Counseling Is Important For School Students? – One fine day, as a little lad, Thomas Alva Edison arrived home from school and gave a folded note to his mother. As he handed over the folded note he said, “Mom, my teacher gave this letter to me and said, only you’re to read it. What does it say?”

His mother’s eyes flooded with tears as she read out the note out loud to her curiously oblivious son. “Your son is a genius. This school is too small for him and it doesn’t have good sufficient teachers to instruct him. Please teach him yourself.”

His mother did the same until she fell ill and passed away. Years after his mother’s demise, Thomas Alva Edison grew up to be the greatest inventors of the time. One day, he was going through his mother’s belongings, he suddenly found the folded paper. It was the letter that his teacher sent to his mother that day.

Nostalgically, he opened the letter. The message written on the note read, – “ Your son is mentally deficient. We cannot let him attend our school anymore. He is expelled.”

Edison became emotional reading it. He sat there and wept for hours and hours. He then wrote in his diary: Thomas Alva Edison was a mentally deficient child whose mother turned him into the genius of the century.”

Wondering what’s the purpose of this narration? Unfailing counseling! Because it’s what Edison’s mother did until she was alive. She never made him realize that he is expelled or addled. She didn’t restrict him from exploring his interest and experimenting with his curiosity. The biography of Edison affirms that by the age of 30, Edison became the famous and greatest personality in the world.

One fine day, as a little lad, Thomas Alva Edison arrived home from school and gave a folded note to his mother. As he handed over the folded note he said, “Mom, my teacher gave this letter to me and said, only you’re to read it. What does it say?”

His mother’s eyes flooded with tears as she read out the note out loud to her curiously oblivious son. “Your son is a genius. This school is too small for him and it doesn’t have good sufficient teachers to instruct him. Please teach him yourself.”

His mother did the same until she fell ill and passed away. Years after his mother’s demise, Thomas Alva Edison grew up to be the greatest inventors of the time. One day, he was going through his mother’s belongings, he suddenly found the folded paper. It was the letter that his teacher sent to his mother that day.

Nostalgically, he opened the letter. The message written on the note read, – “ Your son is mentally deficient. We cannot let him attend our school anymore. He is expelled.”

Edison became emotional reading it. He sat there and wept for hours and hours. He then wrote in his diary: Thomas Alva Edison was a mentally deficient child whose mother turned him into the genius of the century.”

Wondering what’s the purpose of this narration? Unfailing counseling! Because it’s what Edison’s mother did until she was alive. She never made him realize that he is expelled or addled. She didn’t restrict him from exploring his interest and experimenting with his curiosity. The biography of Edison affirms that by the age of 30, Edison became the famous and greatest personality in the world.

The truth is, counseling of a child has been crucial since the ages. Thomas Alva Edison was deemed as addled by his teacher but it’s his mother who was determined to educate him, counsel him. Through homeschooling alone she let him discover his bent that acted as a radical factor in the modernization of the technology. As an efficient teacher herself, Edison’s mother was the sole guide and the ultimate driving force behind the making of the world’s greatest inventor.

Importance Of Career Counseling In Present Times

We live in an age where there is no dearth of career options. From the rise of the First Industrial Revolution to the inception of globalization, innumerable career choices have thronged the professional marketplace. With the growing trend of modern technologies and the vigor of the internet, the learning methods have evolved beyond the boundaries of textbooks, blackboards, and classroom walls.
E-learning platforms and educational apps dominate the worldwide web. The advanced innovation like Robotics, IoT, AI, automated tools certainly improves the lifestyle of the modern world. But, the truth is, despite the comfort catered by the technologies, human beings can not entirely depend on the mechanisms, inert objects or the abstract. We are social beings. Let alone the kids, even the grown-ups are prone to making mistakes.

We meet with disappointments and setbacks in life. We feel vulnerable, unsure of our own choices. We feel the necessity to be connected. Ultimately, we seek an effective solution to our problems. We look up for advice while making crucial decisions in life. It’s almost impossible to overlook the importance of counseling. Be it about our career, relationships, business, health, mental well-being, spiritual life, parenthood, lifestyle, and what not! If these are to adults, imagine how important career counseling is to our children?

Career counseling is much more than choosing a job with a high pay scale or ensured job security. It is a method which helps the students choose a career that aligns with their interest, skills, and satisfy their expectations form the job. Career counseling helps you grow to somebody who you want to be, thrive in the society as who you are, create an impact and inspire the onward generation.

However, unlike in the former days, career counseling is gradually gaining the recognition it deserves. Many schools and institutions emphasize on resolving this issue. Thus, they organize career counseling sessions with industry-oriented personalities and professionals. This not only helps the students gain an insight into the industry but also holds their confidence and motivation high.

Why Career Counseling Is Important For School Students?

Choosing a career eventually depends on your chosen subject. Hence, you should be careful before you jump into conclusion. The decisions made in school can change your life. Whether it’s your choice of subjects or the kind of habits & interest you develop, everything you embrace at an early stage can impact your life for the long run. So, the right career counseling will help you choose a career department based on your interest and skills, where you can perform your level best and succeed in life. So, here are some reasons why career counseling is important for school students.

Holistic Medium Of Instruction

Career Counseling is a method of guidance with meticulously drafted aptitude tests and personality tests. The comprehensive format enables a career counselor to give the best career advice to the student based on one’s results on aptitude and personality.

Catalyst For Strengthening The Career Path

In present times, career counseling is emerging as a fundamental part of education. Education is the key to wisdom and knowledge. Career counseling at the same time acts as the catalyst for building and strengthening the pathways towards the aspired goals.

Growth Of Mindset

Counseling is a quintessential factor that caters to the development of mindset in children that are yet studying in a school, college or, an institution. Counseling not just helps them pick the ideal path but also extends a clear acumen into the subject they like and every possibility associated with it.

Broader Perception & Knowledge About The Diverse Subjects

Career counseling empowers the students to discover about the different streams, educational alternatives, professional courses, and career prospects it offers. Counseling helps the students to make an insightful career choice and gain a career decision that helps them escape the risk or need for a change in career course in the future.

Boosts Confidence

Career counseling is important for school students as they need proper guidance to develop their perceptions and knowledge on career-based decisions. It not only helps them gain knowledge about new directions but also boosts their confidence, spirit, and self-esteem.

Helps Discovering One’s Potential

A student’s true potential is measured by these key factors – aptitude, interest, and personality. Through career counseling, a student’s true potential is recognized. Thus, based on the test and the obtained result, a career counselor directs the students to choose the ideal career path.

Positive Force

Career counseling saves the students from encountering with the wrong decisions which are often unchangeable. It helps the students to opt for the suitable career options, which positively influence a student’s life. Even if a student is on the brink of making a blunder in terms of career choice, a career counselor can step-in to direct him to the right path.

Helps Explore A Diverse Career Fields

In the eyes of society, the most revered professions are Engineers, Doctors, Lawyers, CA, etc.. However, not everyone becomes these because they do not choose to be. Majority of the students yield to pressure from their parents. However, career counseling helps them discover a wide range of career fields, its advantages, perks or satisfaction it can bring. So based on one’s bent and skill, it directs the students to pick a career path that he wouldn’t have to regret about in the future.

Clarify Every Doubt

Despite the knowledge about the subject, students sometimes lack essential knowledge to plan their career journey. They remain deprived of knowledge to pick a subject to meet the eligibility for their aspired career. In such cases, career counseling helps them clear their doubts by rendering them the required clarity and insight about the same.

Helps Them Face All Odds

Oftentimes, students find themselves caught up between their own choices and choices their parents have for them. While sometimes, they’re dealing with the subjects they do not like. In such cases,
career counseling paves paths to their quest. It does not just help them resolve their problems but also boosts their motivational level which is crucial for the long run. Career counseling even acts as emotional support to the students, as they will entirely entrust on the suggestions rendered to them.

Also Read: How to Choose Your Career After Board Exams? To know in Details Visit Our Website

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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