
College Bucket List: 55 Must-Do Things Before You Graduate

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College days are considered to be the best times of your life. From majoring and earning a degree in the subjects that you love, to becoming a part of several events throughout, college days signifies the perfect freedom and opportunity to learn and evolve. But, are you really making most of your college days? Whether you’re a fresher or a senior, there is an unlimited number of things that you should experience before you graduate. So, here is a list of 55 unmissable things that you should do before you graduate.

1. Attend a lecture (that is – for a different subject =which you’ve never thought of learning)
2. Attend a casual college event – ( be it – a movie night, musical concert, etc.)
3. Apply for a scholarship
4. Attend a networking get-together
5. Audition for theatre or act, musical, etc.
6. Adopt a pet from a shelter
7. Apply for the leadership position for an extracurricular you’re actively involved in
8. Befriend a foreign exchange student
9. Buy your ideal gadget
10. Create a proper study plan and follow it religiously
11. Create a professional resume and learn to write a perfect formal letterThings You Should Do On The First Day Of College
12. Create a Budget/Cut out the unnecessary expenses
13. Complete an important research project
14. Develop knowledge and skills towards your interests
15. Dare an adventure activity that scares you the most –(be it – river rafting, bungee jumping, paragliding, swimming, etc.)
16. Do a charity work/ Do something for a good cause
17. Do an internship Or, work part-time
18. Eat healthily – mostly greens
19. Exercise regularly Or, at least 3 times a week
20. Enroll yourself in DIY classes
21. Finish all your course assignments on time
22. Find the best place to dine out
23. Focus on developing your personality
24. Find out your weaknesses and strengths, work on developing your potential
25. Go for an unplanned trip with your friends
26. Give away bad habits if you have any
27. Get “A”s in your exams
28. Give a presentation for the class
29. Get to know your professor
30. Host a house party & invite everyone you know
31. Have a BBQ night – (wintertime is the best time to plan one)
32. Improve your public speaking skills
33. Introduce yourself to someone you’re interested in (For instance- your crush)
34. Join a campus club – (it can be any)
35. Learn to manage time efficiently
36. Learn a foreign language that you’ve always wanted to learn
37. Learn new skills –( such as – learn to play an instrument, painting, designing)
Or, learn to prepare exotic cuisine – (like Italian, Mexican, Chinese, etc.)
38. Leave a positive note on your classmate’s desk (that actually works as a ‘pick me up throughout the day’ factor for anyone who needs one)
39. Meditate daily at least for five minutes after waking up
40. Make it to an early morning lecture
41. Maintain a diary
42. Participate or lead student’s protest
43. Partake in annual events – (such as – sports, cultural, fests, etc.)
44. Plant a tree/ saplings
45. Run a 10km marathon
46. Spend a day or more without social media
47. Start your own blog, YouTube Channel – (but find your niche first)
48. Take part in competitions, workshop, seminars, etc.
49. Try an entirely different hairstyle – discover your own taste of style
50. Visit a country you’ve never been before – (go for a solo trip)
51. Volunteer for – healthcare campaigns, cleaning campaigns, awareness programs, etc.
52. Visit an orphanage, old age home, rehabilitation center (engage in conversations with them, teach the kids to read, write)
53. Visit a friend studying at a different college
54. Write an article for a campus publication (be it – poetry, a short story, opinions, etc)
55. Write a letter to the editor/ Or, write a letter to your future self

Also Read: Things You Should Do On The First Day Of College

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