In a major development Inspiria Knowledge Campus has roped in Dr. Malay Kanti Karanjai, a well known personality in North Bengal’s academic circle, to take charge as Principal. Dr Karanjai served as Principal of Siliguri College for 12 years till his retirement in 2014. The management at Inspiria feels Dr Karanjai is the right person to lead the way for Inspiria, given his long experience and impressive track-record as an academician and efficient administrator. Dr Karanjai has numerous research publications to his credit and has also guided young scholars who pursued Ph.D under him.

Born and brought up in Alipurduar, Dr Karanjai graduated with an honours in Physics and then went on to complete his M.Sc in the subject and subsequently a Ph.D from North Bengal University. He began his career as an assistant professor in Physics, teaching the subject in Balurghat College, Kurseong College and Siliguri College where he became known as a popular teacher. In 2003 he was asked to take charge as Principal of the college, a challenging responsibility which he accepted and performed with passion and dedication.
A workaholic, Dr Karanjai is a dynamic personality who is open to new ideas and innovation. A man of science, he strongly believes that the education system must move with the times and new technologies, teaching methods and strategies must be adopted to keep pace with the changing world.
As principal of Siliguri College, Dr Karanjai took the initiative to organize several UGC sponsored national and international seminars across various disciplines and encouraged young members of the faculty to regularly participate in workshops and refresher programmes.

(Welcome Speech by Mrs. Sherry George)
“Higher education is going through a transitory phase and the impact on the future will be decisive,” Dr Karanjai feels. “Archaic methods or mindsets will no longer work. New ideas, including the increasing participation of non-government sectors in higher education should be welcomed. More emphasis should be accorded to industry-focused education”.
Inspiria looks forward to a long, productive and meaningful association with Dr Malay Karanjai. We welcome him on board.