Industrial Visit BBA-HM 1st year
Date: 14.01.2019
Maharaja Aghrasen Hospital-Fulbari
No of students: 36
No of faculty: 3

Industry visit holds the utmost importance in professional management course, as it renders the first-hand experience for various fields. It helps to provide students an insight into the internal functioning of the industry. In the hospital industry, theoretical knowledge alone does not suffice to understand about the hospital operations completely. To render the much needed practical knowledge of the industry and its operations, the industrial visits are incorporated into the management course curriculum. With an aim to transcend beyond the theories, the students of Inspiria Knowledge Campus, Department of Hospital management, were granted an opportunity to visit the multispeciality hospital of North Bengal, Maharaja Agrasen Hospital situated in the outskirts of Siliguri. A team of thirty-six students, with three faculty members, Mr. Sougata Saha, Mr. Debashish Ray, and Mrs. Shristika Chhetri toured the hospital starting with the reception and the billing counter where the students were segregated into two groups.

The first group was led by a hospital operations executive, Ms. Ankita and the second group followed the front desk executive, Ms. Moumita. Both the internal team members of the hospital successfully guided the students taking them through various departments, beginning with the ground floor, ‘May I help you’ desk. Mr. Sougata Saha explained the students about the meaning of ‘multispeciality’ which eased them to hop through various specialties like nephrology, urology, cardiac specialty, ophthalmology, neurosurgery, laparoscopic surgery, and Dental surgery. Students were enthusiastic and interactive putting across various questions on the presence of nurses’ station on every floor, or regarding the working of a Dialysis machine. They were allowed to visit a cabin and discuss various facilities provided in it. The seven-storeyed hospital with 250 beds was huge enough for easy accessibility.
Students got an opportunity to visit a modern well-equipped hospital, which prioritized in cleanliness and hygiene with well-organized cabins for the doctors and corporate managers. They were allowed to visit different floors, different departments like ICU and Emergency Care, and also get a gist of the software that operates in the admission of the patient. Students got a clear and full insight into hospital management and operations with a practical outlook. As rightfully remarked by Albert Einstein, “Education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think”