
Inspiria Orientation Week 2019 – Farsighted and Captivating Session With Industry Catalyst & Visionary

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29th July 2019 marked the first day of Inspiria Orientation Week for the new batch of students. The orientation week is one of the most important events in the beginning of every new session where the new students are given the opportunity to interact with the best of the leaders, achievers and believers from around the nation. For an institution that runs by the motto of making its students, ‘employable’ it is only advantageous to introduce them to the world that awaits them before introducing them to their curriculum.

Gracing the first day with his presence was Mr. Dilip Jayaram who has been a part of the industry for over 20 years. His contribution in the post of COO at Procam International Pvt Ltd led sponsorships, operations, brand engagements, media partnerships, PR for the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon, Airtel Delhi Half Marathon and Sunfeast World 10K, Bangalore. These events catalyzed the health and fitness movement, which has spawned 1400+ races in the country today. He is credited with starting the running revolution in India shifting the country’s focus from spectator sports to mass participation sports, seeding health and fitness and creating new paradigms.

Mr. Dilip Jayaram in his motivating speech gave exceptional takeaways to the excited and inquisitive gathering of students. He passed on his experiences and learnings that came with those experiences. He walked around the amphitheatre answering every question that the eager minds threw at him. His energy picked up even more as students participated and took the opportunity to interact with him. He answered questions about career, industry, about what to expect and how to prepare, about believing in individual capabilities and always moving ahead no matter the many obstacles. He narrated his life incidents while citing examples of how nothing is impossible which seemed to engross the students more and find comfort and awakening in his words.

After the interesting and interactive session, the managing trustee of Inspiria Mr. Atul Gupta presented the speaker with the momento as a vote of thanks. He also addressed the students and spoke a few lines about his own experiences and interactions with Mr. Dilip which made for a classic end to the first day. When everyone believed that it could not get any better the guest speaker provided the students who had asked him questions with the privilege to interact with him personally and clear their doubts including other interested bulk. Thereafter the end, the discussion was shifted to the seminar hall where a bunch of students got the opportunity to learn about deeper insights. This marked the successful end of the first day of orientation week 2019, where the students not only gained the knowledge but also received answers to their doubts and confusions regarding career as well as life.

Also Read: Inspiria Orientation Week 2019 – Day Two

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