Inspiria Orientation Week 2019 – Day Two

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The second day of Inspiria Orientation Week 2019 was as splendid as a big pink bowl of vanilla ice cream on a sweltering summer afternoon. It was so inspiring that the students of batch 2019 couldn’t stop themselves from coming onto the stage and speaking their hearts out.

The event started with the introduction of the first speaker of the day, a lady who believes that “If we want to live a life we wished for,we should first make ourselves worthy enough to deserve it”, a blogger, dreamer and content creator who started a fashion and lifestyle blog named A Tale of 2 Girls as a pastime but it is soon became her career. She also opened up a franchise store named Desi Mode and also aimed to open more stores in the North Bengal region. She is a person who believes that “One is solely responsible for the kind of image one has in front of others” and has never left any stone unturned in inspiring people through her confidence and achievements wherever she goes. A proud toastmaster and a believer- Miss Priyanshi Jalan.

Priyanshi commenced her session by energising the crowd with a very small activity- she asked all the students to stand up and shout at the top of their voice. This created an atmosphere of thrill and excitement among them. She spoke about the importance of first impression of a person to the perception, appearance and dressing methods of a girl or a boy, and then she gradually moved towards the SWOT analysis where she asked the students to volunteer in letting people know their strengths, opportunities,weakness and threats. She unfolded many secrets regarding the image and styling of people which people generally know but are scared to accept. It was an impeccable experience hearing her and getting a greater insight into personality development and realities of life.

The next speaker was a very humble man and a leader who had 20 years of experience in achieving high business growth because of his excellent communication and training and monitoring skills. He is a professional who leads teams to be highly productive through creative marketing strategies, teamwork and good management principles.He had been involved in developing business models for education and training in schools, corporate sector and amongst undergraduates in India- The Vice President of Knowledge Centre, Kolkata- Mr. Jayshankar Gopalan.

Mr. Gopalan created such a vibe amongst students through his activities and instances of personal experiences that with every minute the students wanted to hear and know more about him. He started with a very usual thing but which created a different impact on students this time- he asked the students to take a selfie and answer three questions on the picture- how I look at myself, how my parents look at me and how my friends look at me. He then shared his childhood experiences by narrating how he loved maths and also shared the stories of Maradona, the footballer. He connected with the students day to day lives and made them realise that they should now stop studying and start learning. He believed in “Whatever you are good at, only that thing will bring you success”. He is an inspirational and versatile leader who is on his way of turning his dreams into plans.

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