Inspiria all set to host Behance Portfolio Reviews 2017

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After organizing the portfolio event for 3 consecutive years, Inspiria is again set to host Behance Portfolio Reviews which is probably the only platform in North Bengal for creative artists to showcase their talent while getting feedback from experts.

Moments from Behance Portfolio Reviews 2016

This year the keynote speaker cum judge for the day will be Mr. Himanshu Khanna, Founder & CEO Spracklin. He has also been a core part of the faculty team at Pearl Academy of Design and an active member of the organizing team at StartUp Saturday (Delhi).

The event is open to everybody from the creative field including Graphics Designers, Visual Designers, UI Designers, Photographers, Sketch Artists, Food Stylists, Web Designers, etc.

Moments from Behance Portfolio Reviews 2016

The event will be conducted on 28th October 2017, from 3:00 PM Onwards at Inspiria Knowledge Campus. The winner of the event will be awarded Adobe Creative Cloud Licensed Software for 1 year, worth Rs. 55,000/- and Behance appreciation coin; while the 1st and 2nd Runners-Up will get Behance appreciation coins & certificates.

People with creative outlooks and talent are welcome to this event to showcase their talent.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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