ISC (Class XII) 2023 Examination Datesheet Published

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ISC class 12 date sheet 2023

Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) released the ISC class 12 datesheet 2023 on Thursday i.e. 1st December 2022. The board stated that the exam will start on 13th February 2023 and will end on 31st March 2023.  

The exam will start with English ( Paper – I ) on 13th February 2023  and will conclude with Environmental Science on 31st March 2023 

Students can download the datesheet from the official website


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Steps to Download ISC class 12 Datesheet 2023

Students can follow this step to download the ISC 2023 Datesheet from the official website of the  Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)

1 – Go to the official website of CISCE

2-  Click on the  ISC (CLASS XII) YEAR 2023 Examination Timetable and Instructions  Link displayed on the main page. 


4 –  Make a printout and save it for quick access. 


  • The examination board gives 15 minutes for reading the Question Paper in addition to the time indicated on the timetable for writing the paper.
  •  The Question Papers for the examinations scheduled to begin at 9:00 A.M and will be distributed to the candidates at 8:45 A.M. 
  •  The Question Papers for examinations scheduled to begin at 2:00 P.M. and will be distributed to the candidates at 1:45 P.M.

Key Suggestions for students appearing ISC class 12 exam ,2023

We highly suggest that all students wake up early in the morning, feel the calmness, and face the exam. Through this, the students can gain confidence and will have a compact idea about the question pattern of the exam. 

Plan smartly and make sure you revised all the important chapters. Manage your time management skills wisely. Allocate desired time for every question and the student must attempt known questions at first and then move to the next question. 

8 hours of sleep is essential because the body and mind deserve to rest for while. It will help to restore energy and relax your muscle. We highly suggest that all students wake up early in the morning, feel the calmness, and face the exam.

Do not become stressed or frightened once you enter the examination hall. Take a deep breath and carefully study the question paper. Focus on the question paper and then solve them one by one. 

And finally, studying approaches vary from student to student. We highly suggest that all students wake up early in the morning, feel the calmness, and face the exam.

Do’s and Dont’s before an examination 

Examinations can be nightmarishly haunting for any individual and there is no doubt that the thought of examinations is one dreading complaint that will remain constant in an academic journey. The ghost of examination never actually leaves and one needs to face it with immense courage and hard work. This is because examinations are a part of self-evaluation and self-progression which opens a scope of positive competition and development.

Examinations are a part of gaining positive knowledge in life and there must not be any shrinking emotion in the path of self-evolution. Because of this factor, below are 5 Do’s and Don’ts. Students must learn to deploy in their life for better growth and success. 

5 Do’s before Examination – 

Bring the necessary items – It is important for the candidate to ensure that all the necessary items are being carried out on the day of the exam to avoid any chaos or unforeseen mess. It is advisable to pack every important item the night before the exam so that there is a presence of a free mindset. 

Rest Well – It is important for a candidate to take proper rest before appearing for an examination. With proper rest comes healthy eating, adequate sleep, and nourishment to feel rejuvenated on the day of the exam. It is important for the candidate to sleep early to avoid any kind of unwanted and irritable feeling. 

Eat Healthily – These are some of the small aspects which are often neglected by candidates before an examination. To feel energetic, one must eat healthily with a high amount of protein, good carbs, and fats which will ensure a fairly good feeling within oneself. 

Grasping the right information – The day of examination can be chaotic depending on the structure of the institution. It is advisable for the candidates to ensure that they obtain the right information regarding their classrooms, admit cards, seat numbers, and answer booklet to let go of any unprecedented chaos or distraction. 

Revise-at-a-glance – To properly address all the requirements of the given examination, it is important for the candidate to ensure a 5-minute revision of all the required answers and information before the day of the examination to feel confident, optimistic, and have a sense of belongingness. 

5 Don’ts before Examination – 

Don’t Stress – No matter how advisable or positive it may sound, students stress out the most before an examination. It is important for the candidate to focus on their preparation rather than worrying about something which is not prepared at all. Rather than bombarding the mind with too many questions, it is advisable to focus on the strengths rather than the weaknesses of the examination. 

Don’t Discuss – This is one of the most negative impediments before an examination and can be quite misleading. Before an examination, it is advisable for a candidate to avoid dwelling with friends and getting bombarded with questions and preparations. This can stress the candidate and drain all the positive energy from their mind and body. 

Don’t get distracted – It is important for the candidate to not get distracted and leave out anything vital before the examination. Too much conversation with friends regarding the exam can be quite distracting and one must learn how to avoid these circumstances by engaging in substantial conversations. 

Don’t forget to carry your belongings – As examinations can be quite pressuring, candidates often forget to carry their belongings as a result of stress, and associated distractions. It is advisable to check all the belongings before the exam so that the overall experience goes smoothly and is approachable. 

Don’t study at the last moment – This is one of the most horrifying aspects of an examination and can be quite daunting to persist. It is advisable for students to not study at the last moment because this will not help in the progression of the examination. It can lead to unwanted stress, health issues, and anxiety which is definitely not suitable on the day of an examination

Believe in yourself and Smash it. 

Best Wishes!

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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