
Night Inter – College Football Leauge by Inspiria Knowledge Campus

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The first ever night football inter college tournament in the North Bengal region was organised by Inspiria Knowledge Campus from 22nd to 25th of May. A total of seven teams from various colleges participated in the football league making the event a great success. The teams were:

Teams at Inter College Football League
  • IIAS School of Management (IIAS),
  • Indian Institute of Legal Studies (IILS),
  • Salesian College,
  • North Bengal St. Xavier’s,
  • Surendra Institute of Engineering & Management (SIEM),
  • Inspiria Knowledge Campus.
Teams competing at Football League

The four day tournament had three matches played every day from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Professional referees assigned for the matched had a great role in conducting the matches.

Inspite of obstacles like heavy rain great sportsman spirit was shown by the players. Every team with their great team spirit played their best. The final day witnessed three great matches by three great teams. A special mention and appreciation for team IILS is mandatory as they showed great courage and teamwork on the final day. Three matches at a stretch and they were the runners up of the match. The Night Inter College Football League trophy was won by Salesian College. The Golden Boot trophy was taken by Subhash Kaling of IIAS, The best goalkeeper title was taken by Ringchen Dorjee of IILS.

Winners of Inter College Football League

It was a great experience and learning space for Inspiria and we are looking forward to organise more tournaments of such kind in the future.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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