Pro tips to score 90% and above in Board Exams

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Pro tips to score 90% and above in Board Exams

Let’s start this blog with a very basic question.

Is it possible for all to score more than 90% marks in your Class 12 Boards?

15 years back one would have stated that no it was not possible for all to get 90 plus in your boards and this was a very special niche reserved for the most brilliant and dedicated students. 90% was indeed a rare achievement while 80% plus was considered very good.   

Today the situation has significantly changed. There are literally hundreds of ISC/CBSE/ State Board examinees who score above 90%. And a good number of them score above 95%.

Since 90% in board exams is something which is now expected from all reasonable good students, there is indeed a pressure on them to reach this mark. The question is how difficult is the target of 90% and how to go about achieving it? This blog provides some useful tips to score good marks and achieve this target of 90% plus.

Set A Realistic Target

The first thing to do while preparing for your board exam is to set a realistic target. Hopes to achieve 90% plus with only three months of preparation amounts to wishful thinking.  

You have to begin your exam preparation much before that. Make a well-thought-out study plan. Focus on the subjects in which you are strong. Look for the difficult topics and study them over and over again.

Make an objective self-appraisal and then set your target. At the back of the mind remember that if not 90 then 80-plus % is also a good mark. And not achieving 90% is certainly not the end of the world.

This thought will release the pressure and will help you to prepare for the exam in a relaxed frame of mind which is important.

Time Management is the Key

We often come across students studying for hour and hours for a couple of days and then losing the tempo for the next few days! Remember you do not need to study each and every minute.

At every phase of life, you will have other jobs and priorities besides board exams. There will be household chores which you cannot avoid, emergency situations and other social obligations. It is easy to get distracted from the focus of your exam preparation.

Managing your time judiciously is the key to organizing your study routine. You just need six hours of regular study each day, maybe three in the morning and three in the evening.  What is important is to stick to this schedule persistently.

We all make time tables, but few are able to stick to it. Following the time table steadfastly is something which will set you apart from the others and help your achieve 90% plus.

Also Read: 7 Effective Study Habits to Score Better

Effective Study is What Matters Most

It’s no use sitting for four hours at your study desk when half of that time is spent on day dreaming.

Such a waste of time!

Concentration and focus is what you need. Its better to sit for two hours if the entire two hours is spent constructively. Whenever your mind falters, the best thing to do is to grab your exercise copy and start jotting down notes.

Daydreaming during studies is a common problem faced by students is. If you are caught in such a situation, you should take control of your mind to focus and read/ study attentively. Another common problem is sleep.

Many of you feel studies bore you and thus feel sleepy when you sit long for studies. To overcome this problem you need to study with a positive mindset. One should accept that the fact that there is no way out of studies.

Choose a Comfortable, Secluded Study Space

The ambience of your study space is another crucial factor that affects studies positively or negatively. Make sure your study desk is at a place which has good ventilation and enough light.

When students study hard for their examinations, it is natural to expect an untidy and unorganized study desk. Text books, note books, pens and pencils are cluttered around your study area. This does not help if you want to study in an organized manner.

Ensure that your study place is a nice, secluded corner that provides the maximum privacy and minimum distraction. The place should have good ventilation and light and should provide a generally positive ambience. These little things count.

Therefore make it a point to keep your study desk, neat, clean and organized so that you find the right textbook or reference book in quick time.

A cluttered space is often a reflection of a disorganized and confused mind. If you organize your workspace, your mind and temperament will also stay organized.

Plan Group Discussion Based Studies

Group study is the one of the most effective ways of preparing for the board exam. This is an important factor that can have a decisive imp[act on your examination performance.

When you discuss critical notes with your group, the chances of retention are high. Discussions also drive up the interest level in the topics.

Plan your study schedule in such a way that you have at least one or two group study sessions in a week. This is important if you want to score 90 in the CBSE board exam.

Reflection Post Studies Works Wonders

It is not enough just to study and memorize notes. You have to keep on thinking and reflecting upon what you studied as this will help in retention.

If your mind wanders off from your lessons and is consumed by superfluous thinking, there is good chance you will forget a good deal of what you studied on a particular day. Therefore constant reflection on whatever you have studies is of paramount importance.

Constantly Motivate Yourself

When it comes to examinations, self-motivation is the key to your success. You have to keep on visualizing the positive outcome of an excellent result- the happiness of your family, the firm foundations of a good future and the overall appreciation from all. Tell yourself hard work will always give you good results, one way or the other.

Focus On Your Writing Skills

Another great tip to achieve great marks in board exams (whether CBSE board exams or ICSE or any other board) is to hone up your writing skills. Though everyone cannot be a great writer but they can surely achieve the basic writing skills that can enable them to write their exam papers in a clear and lucid manner.

Clumsy handwriting, jumbled up expressions and incoherent sentences do affect your marks. Therefore practice, with the help of your teacher the art of writing simply with clarity, avoiding superfluous words and expressions.

Remain Healthy and Fit

Finally, you should always strive to keep yourself physically and mentally fit. Take breaks from your studies at regular intervals and relax.

Wake up early in the morning and perform some free hand exercise or go for a walk. Avoid deep night studies as they affect your sleep. Consume healthy foods such as soups, fruits and salad while taking care to avoid rich and oily food as much as possible.

Spend at least sometime in the day with family and friends as this will relief your pressure. This is why we recommend group studies as sometime with your friends provides the relaxation you need.

To Sum Up

As you prepare for the boards, keep the following points in mind.

  • Motivate yourself
  • Proper sleep pattern- important for attention and focus.(Avoid sleeping for odd hours i.e. 1, 3, 5,7.9 hours).
  • Stay fit – eat healthy. (Caution from falling ill. So, that you don’t feel weak mentally and physical as it will disturb your efficiency and concentration).
  • Refreshed mind- listen to music is soothing to your ears and don’t bring an emotional turmoil with you.
  • Lastly, read your subject as pleasure and not a burden.

So, dear students, 90% is a realistic proposition. Simply, stay focused and achieve. You can also watch the video on this blog on our YouTube channel from below. It is time to begin real hard work. All the Best!

FAQs on How To Score 90% in Class 12 Boards

Is 90% in Class 12 Boards easily achievable?

Nowadays 90 % in the Class 12 boards is a realistic target for sincere and hardworking students. All you need is regular and systematic study for ten months to achieve this goal.

How do I know that I can get 90% plus?

Unless you are extremely weak in English and Mathematics, there is no reason why you should not get more than 90% marks in your boards.

The fact is good results depend not so much on your “intelligence” or “merit” but on your interest in the subjects and regularity in studies.

Just as they say necessity is the mother of invention, we can also state that curiosity (read interest level) is the key to success in examinations.

What are three main things I should do to motivate myself to reach this target?

First you should set a realistic target and visualize the positive outcome of a good result. Second. firmly believe in yourself and the fact that you can do it.

This needs discipline and regularity. Third, tell yourself you can be as good as anyone and you are ready to work that much extra to translate this belief into reality. Previous year question papers are a great help.

Which subjects should I focus on more?

This depends much on yourself. The best approach is to focus more on the subjects in which you are naturally good at and in which you score good marks in the school exams. At the same time you also need to work hard on your weaker subjects. Also, make it a point to solve as many sample papers as you can.

I am spending more than 8 hours daily studying. Still I am not able to remember what I studied. Please help.

The question is how many of these 8 hours are you actually studying. Daydreaming at your study desk is a major issue for all teenagers.

It is better to sit for frequent short study sessions with gaps in between to make your study effective. Writing down key points during studies is a key strategy to avoid day dreaming. Also you may study for one hour, but make sure you think and reflect on what you studied repeatedly.

Thinking and reflection helps retention. For instance you may have trouble solving a difficult Math sum. But once you have solved it, it helps to keep on reflecting on the way you solved it for better retention.

Do group studies help?

Group studies work wonders for various reasons. Discussing the topics enhances your retention. They make the subject interesting. Also group studies are more fun and interactive and provides relief from the monotony of long hours of solo study.
Things to keep in mind preparing board exam include managing your time efficiently, focusing on weak subjects, and using effective study techniques like solving sample papers and revising key points regularly.

Do I need to cut off myself from my relatives and friends before the exams?

Not at all! This is not even advised. It is always helpful to takes breaks, consult your close relatives and friends as they can be a source of inspiration for you. You need their help and support.

Ultimate study guide for board exams suggests balancing study with relaxation, staying motivated, and making use of previous year question papers and mock tests to ensure consistent progress.

What if I do not get 90%

It is true that reaching the target of 90% in your boards makes you feel successful and happy and also opens the door to bright career prospects.

However, you should bear in mind that not getting 90 is not the end of the world. Your life and future is much bigger than your the percentage you get in your board exams. Your marksheet is just one of the many indicators that will shape your life’s journey.

Those who miss 90% will have ample opportunities and scope to excel in life. You may have missed your target but you worked hard. And hard work and dedication will bring in good outcomes one way or the other.

So while it’s great to end up with 90% or more, there is no reason for gloom and despair if you miss it.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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