Students don’t panic, it’s never too late to begin. Just, pick your books and begin to read them. Do you know, scientifically human can read three (3) words in one (1) second. That means one can read “Two lakhs fifty-nine and two hundred- words” in twenty-four hours.
Now, It’s ample time for a change in season. Then, why not a change or upgrade in your percentage. All you need is to focus, stay determined and be attentive. Just need to be smart and divide your time as judiciously. Keep this in your mind that – “It’s you who has to your mind and not the mind who is to control you.”
Also Read: 7 Effective Study Habits to Score Better
A very common problem faced by you students is – ‘Daydreaming during studies’. In this situation simply command your mind to focus and read/ study attentively. Another common problem is sleep. Many of you feel studies bore you and thus feel sleepy when you sit long for studies. To overcome this problem you need to study with a positive mindset. One should accept that it important for them to study. That acceptance will naturally happen when you realise that you have a reason to study. That it is the one ladder/path which will take you to your goals in life. Studies should not be a burden for you.
Important tips that will keep you moving:
- Motivate yourself
- Proper sleep pattern- important for attention and focus.(Avoid sleeping for odd hours i.e. 1, 3, 5,7.9 hours).
- Stay fit – eat healthy. (Caution from falling ill. So, that you don’t feel weak mentally and physical as it will disturb your efficiency and concentration).
- Refreshed mind- listen to music is soothing to your ears and don’t bring an emotional turmoil with you.
- Lastly, read your subject as pleasure and not a burden.
So, student, nothing is impossible. Simply, stay focused and achieve. You can also watch the video on this blog on our YouTube channel from below. All the Best!