
SHRISTI KUMARI – VFX Artist in the Making

Inside This Article

“ I was an introvert child. But my passion surged me to do what I loved to do, as I drifted towards my my goal, hurdles melted away, I plunged into the creative sea and the rhythmic waves have kept me going.”

Fast forward to her school days, she gets appointed as the vice house captain. She outshines in sports. Her caliber brings her the opportunity to compete in regional-level in Kolkata. Besides sports, she holds a strong interest in cultural activities. An all-rounder, she participates in various activities in the school.

Changing school for higher education. Bidding good-bye to the school she loved was hard, but moved von with determination. At the new school, she had trouble adjusting to an absolute new place, a new building, and a crowd of strange faces. Despite all odds she was able to move on, connecting with all & making friends.

Time rushed. She began to notice a change in herself. It was a shocking fact for a confident regional level champion to find that she was unable to perform on stage. She no longer could express herself either. Desperate she was, she relied on sketches and paints to express herself. Painting became her greatest comfort. It became more than a mere form of art. She won accolades in the form of awards. Despite her achievements, her academic grades were not as per her expectation. But then, she began working hard in her high school and went on to pursue the stream she desired.

So, after her tough phase, Inspiria Knowledge Campus happened. Spending three years at Inspiria changed her life in a radical way. The college stirred her undisclosed dream. Yeah, she sustained a strong interest in photography.

Her secret pursuit steered her pathways towards a specific purpose. That is – pursuing a degree in Bachelor in Media Science (BMS). Despite her commerce background, she realized that this is where she’d always wanted to be.

She picked BMS that fed her passion and turned it into reality. The camera and photography unfolded brand-new boundaries. She discovered her skill in capturing the beauty of the place and people. Shortly, she understood the importance of editing in the presentation of the photographs.

The bigger challenge was mastering the art and developing skill of using the editing software and learning the tools & techniques which was a completely new area of learning for her. Oftentimes, it’s necessary to realize ones lacking and identifying the passion that drives one. It’s also important to know how you can grow every day, every moment. Armed with camera and laptop she then started enhancing her technical skills. She pioneered in Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, 3Ds Max, Fumefx, FCP. She participated in many competitions in photography and motion graphics and won many awards.

Checkout her Instagram profile to discover her love for photography

Once a regional level sports competitor, she now discovered a budding editor in herself. She joined an animation institute and excelled in VFX. Instagram became a platform to showcase her skills. During the summer internship in Hindi Khabar, Noida, she recognized her true potential. She worked for more than 40 A/Vs each day. While she was yet to graduate, the college presented a remarkable opportunity. It was a chance to work with Danta Herbs as a Product Photographer, Video Editor and Graphic Designer.

Her success story does not end here. She now anticipates to each new challenges of her life in an optimistic way. For ‘She chooses what she loves to do’.

For any assistance or help regarding counselling please feel free to contact us anytime at +91-8900755550. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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